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“ Milk makes tired people cheer up ” – we often heard this widespread saying as children. Cow's milk makes us strong, helps us grow and strengthens our bones. But is cow's milk really that healthy? Or are milk alternatives like oat milk better? We get to the bottom of the question: Is oat milk a better choice than cow's milk ?
On average, every German consumes around 86 kilograms of fresh milk products per year. That's quite a lot when you consider that the human body is not actually designed to be able to digest lactose. Humans are the only creatures that consume milk from other animals. It is estimated that around 75% of the world's population suffers from lactose intolerance. It's strange that we still consume so much dairy products, isn't it?
Cow's milk contains many ingredients such as: Calcium, vitamins, magnesium, iodine and amino acids . As a child, you learn that milk contains a lot of calcium, which helps with growth and makes bones strong. However, the many animal proteins contained in milk lead to acidification in the body and blood. In order to compensate for this acidification, the body needs calcium, which it then has to get from the bones. This creates an opposite effect, which in severe cases can lead to osteoporosis (also: bone loss).
Oat milk consists largely of pure oats, in our case 100% organic whole grain oat flour. Oats are also a type of grain that is full of amino acids, minerals such as potassium, magnesium and fiber. That means: no lactose, no milk protein, no soy, no cholesterol. People who suffer from intolerances tolerate oat milk better than cow's milk. It can also help people who have high cholesterol levels to lower them. However, the disadvantage of oat milk is often that it contains gluten. However, this is not the case with the GREENFORCE organic oat drink ; this oat drink is gluten-free.
Pasteurized, homogenized, heat treated, preserved, and so on. Very few people know exactly what these names on milk cartons mean. Cow's milk doesn't come directly from the cow into your glass. No, cow's milk is an industrially processed product. The cow's milk is first broken down into its individual parts and then preserved in several steps.
Of course, there are also heavily processed oat milk alternatives . Society's demands on this replacement product are high. Many consumers of milk alternatives would like to drink a perfect cappuccino. For this to happen, the milk alternative has to foam. This can be achieved by adding fat or preservatives . At GREENFORCE we pay attention to our list of ingredients, which is why we only use one ingredient in our oat milk : 100% organic whole grain oat flour .
In conclusion, one can say that consuming too many dairy products is not as healthy as we are often told as a child. There are many facts against milk consumption. When choosing an alternative milk, you should always pay attention to what it is (oat, almond, etc.), what the ecological balance is for it and what ingredients are used for the respective drinks.