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More and more people are suffering from digestive problems after consuming dairy products. Bloating, constipation and general malaise can be caused by lactose intolerance. According to estimates, between 15% and 20% of the German population are currently aware of these complaints.
In 2017 it was 12% , and the trend is rising. Globally , around 75% of people are affected . Unlike an allergy, it is not the body's own immune system that reacts, but rather a specific enzyme is missing in lactose intolerance.
Diet can become a challenge due to the individual progression of this intolerance. In this article you will find out how you can deal with it and what a lactose intolerance nutrition list can look like for you.
Lactose (milk sugar) consists of the two components lactose and glucose. Lactose is a natural component of cow's milk . Goat and sheep milk also contain lactose, but to a slightly lesser extent than cow's milk.
So that we humans can digest milk sugar, the enzyme lactase breaks it down into its two components in the small intestine. The sugars can then pass through the intestinal wall and are available to us as nutrients. The tolerance of lactose depends on the presence of the enzyme lactase.
It is not a given that lactase is produced in childhood and adolescence, even in adulthood. The majority of people in the world become lactose intolerant as adults. Your body loses the ability to produce lactase . In rare cases, lactose intolerance exists from birth.
People in Europe are an exception here overall. Most of us can tolerate lactose even as adults . But in our case, congenital lactose intolerance and lactose intolerance also occur in old age . Improved testing options have made it easier to detect intolerance in recent decades.
Despite a lot of information available in the media and advice from doctors, those affected are still somewhat at a loss as to how to eat. Most people want to permanently avoid the unpleasant symptoms after consuming dairy products .
The symptoms of lactose intolerance differ from those of a milk allergy. They are largely limited to the digestive area and do not usually occur immediately after eating foods containing lactose.
Digestive problems begin to appear when the lactose passes through the small intestine and reaches other areas of the intestine, not being broken down by the missing enzyme. There bacteria begin to decompose, which can lead to the formation of intestinal gases.
The lactose is digested in the wrong place. That's why you may be dealing with the following symptoms :
Some of us suffer from stomach pain after milk but are not lactose intolerant. A different type of milk intolerance comes into question here. Some of us are allergic to milk proteins like casein.
You have a milk allergy. A cow's milk allergy is common in babies . Doctors are now able to diagnose the two different types of milk intolerance . Get advice from your doctor about this.
If some of us only develop intolerance as we get older , the symptoms take very different courses. Often the production of lactase does not stop from one day to the next. It also happens that initially less lactase is produced.
This then leads to an overall insufficient digestion of lactose in the small intestine. Depending on the degree of intolerance, people who are lactose intolerant tolerate different dairy products differently.
It may happen that some people cannot tolerate milk in its pure form and/or in certain quantities. On the other hand, they tolerate yogurt or cheese well. It is impossible to predict how the intolerance will develop further .
Lactose intolerance is not a disease . That's why doctors and nutrition experts take them seriously, but don't consider them a dramatic change in living conditions. Those affected may see it differently. Enzyme tablets with lactase have been available for some time.
This means that the intake of dairy products can be combined with the intake of the enzyme. If you are lactose intolerant , you can use the tablets to improve the digestion of lactose and at least alleviate symptoms.
However, those affected need some practice with the dosage and the interval between consumption of dairy products . It is therefore questionable whether constant supply of the enzyme in your diet is a permanent solution.
The aging organism is constantly changing. Certain functions become weaker. From middle age onwards, many people have increasing problems with their digestive tract. There may be less stomach acid.
In addition to lactase , other important enzymes that support digestion may also be weaker . Enzymes are indispensable little helpers in a wide variety of physical areas.
Experts like to compare them to catalytic converters in an engine. Enzymes make many reactions and functions in the human organism possible.
Also changes in the intestinal area, such as polyps. Inflammation or intestinal loops bring the entire digestion into focus after a certain age. If lactose intolerance occurs, many of those affected are at a loss.
They can enjoy food less and worry a lot about their diet. Here, the emerging intolerance to lactose is also an opportunity to eat differently overall and not just look for an alternative to cow's milk .
Lactose is a component of milk of animal origin . Anyone who is confronted with lactose intolerance for the first time should therefore avoid consuming milk. There are various plant-based alternatives available today.
What is overlooked is that lactose is also contained in other foods such as yogurt, cheese, kefir and other dairy products. These processed dairy products contain varying amounts of lactose. In many types of ripe cheese, for example, the lactose is hardly present.
Instead, it hides in processed products in which we don't suspect lactose. This is how people suddenly react to chocolate with intolerance symptoms . Symptoms can include bloating and other digestive problems.
Milk chocolate is made with a fair amount of milk, so the milk sugar content may be relevant for some lactose intolerant people .
Even if you are careful with your own diet, a question can arise again and again: What helps against a bloated stomach? Antispasmodic teas and medicines are a topic that is constantly present in everyday life.
Because if dairy products are continued to be consumed, symptoms caused by intolerance reactions can never be completely ruled out. Life can become very difficult. Constantly dealing with nutrition and eating is exhausting.
You lack the leisure for your other interests. In other words : Lactose intolerance can have a negative impact on your quality of life. But you have it in your hands not to let it come to this.
The challenge with lactose tolerance lies in the fact that those affected can hardly predict which foods they will react to and how intensely they will react with symptoms. This makes the daily menu a lottery. Those affected must carefully monitor which dairy products they can tolerate and in what quantities.
Testing is made more difficult by hidden lactose in ready-to-eat foods. Putting together an individual lactose intolerance food list can become an ongoing issue.
If you are invited, you must have your lactase tablets on hand at all times if you do not want to expose yourself to the typical digestive problems or leaden fatigue caused by lactose intolerance.
Some sufferers see lactose intolerance as an impulse to eat differently. A plant-based nutritional concept , like that used by vegans, avoids the problem with lactose.
This is certainly true when it comes to high-quality vegan products . Unprocessed plant-based products do not contain lactose. The danger could be lurking in ready-made foods if lactose has been added in an insufficiently declared manner.
Are you planning to eat a predominantly plant-based diet in the future and are you preparing to get started? We at Greenforce are at your side with a variety of vegan products. With us you will not only find your alternative to cow's milk .
You can also substitute other animal ingredients such as eggs vegan . If you have lactose intolerance, you will not experience any surprises with our products. We clearly identify the ingredients of our finished products. For us, vegan means vegan.
There are many different opinions on how people should or should eat. Doctors and nutrition experts do not agree on this. The focus of a healthy diet is the supply of all important nutrients. These are the macronutrients carbohydrates, fats and proteins .
It also includes various micronutrients such as vitamins, plant substances and minerals. You can get the essential nutrients you need from different food sources. Cow's milk, for example, is not a staple food in many parts of the world.
If you are interested in a vegan nutritional concept , you can start eating differently step by step. Then your lactose intolerance nutrition list will be the start of a plant-based diet on a broad basis.
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Especially from middle age onwards, focusing on plant-based food can bring you further benefits. The fat composition of plant foods is different than animal foods. Many people find plant-based foods to be “ lighter ” and less stressful.
With plant-based foods you absorb many active substances that can support digestion. This is an important aspect not only for lactose intolerance in old age .
We will not delve into the other benefits of veganism at this point. You can find more information in our other blog posts. In this context, also think about animal welfare and environmental aspects. Here the balance for plant-based foods is positive compared to animal products.
We at Greenforce would like to offer you safety with our products if you have an intolerance to lactose . With our products you don't have to worry about any unpleasant surprises due to hidden milk sugar.
You can choose from a selection of excellent quality vegan products . You won't have to compromise on taste here either. Your individual lactose intolerance nutrition list becomes easy to put together if you choose vegan foods.
The laborious and time-consuming experiments with the tolerance of dairy products are no longer necessary. You don't have to expect to suddenly have a blocked milk supply again or to torture yourself with the question: What helps against my bloated stomach?
Any change in diet takes some time and getting used to, but many people report very positive experiences with completely abandoning animal products such as dairy products . With us you can try out different product offerings to see what you like.
Lactose intolerance and diet don't have to be a headache for you. Today you have different options for dealing with lactose intolerance. An alternative is to repeatedly test individually which dairy products you tolerate well or somewhat.
You can support this approach by taking lactase tablets. This approach is admittedly complex and requires constant concentration on the topic of food. Your tolerance to individual dairy products varies. You'll have to be careful again.
You're not sure that lactose doesn't occasionally cause digestive problems . Even if you are very careful with dairy products.
Some sufferers decide to consistently change their diet to plant-based food. If you're feeling sad now because you're afraid you'll miss out on special products, that doesn't have to be the case. If your intolerance to chocolate gives you symptoms, you can also use plant-based foods .
If you are lactose intolerant, making your diet plant-based can greatly simplify your everyday life. We would like to support you in finding the right path for you.
This can be a consistent vegan diet or replacing individual products with vegan alternatives . You decide for yourself - especially if you have lactose intolerance .