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Sour cream is sought after as an ingredient in many kitchens and is therefore used frequently. You don't always have sour cream ready to hand. There is a sour cream substitute for this.
You can use certain dairy products to replace sour cream. If you have a milk intolerance or a vegan diet, there are also tasty vegan alternatives available.
Schmand - also called Schmetten or Schmant - is made from soured cream. So it is a dairy product. The fat content is usually between 20 and 24 percent. But there are also variants used abroad that have a fat content of around 30 percent. It is firm and tastes creamy with a slightly sour note.
The taste of the dairy product is reminiscent of sour cream or Greek yogurt. In terms of consistency, it is more similar to crème fraîche.
In German kitchens, schmant is preferably used to make or refine dips, sauces, salad dressings or soups . You can also use this special milk product when baking cakes and sheet cakes. Schmant is one of the absolute classics in Polish and Russian cuisine.
Whether in the catering industry or in private households - Poles and Russians use the slightly sour-tasting milk product as a filling for pancakes and dumplings. It is also extremely popular as a creamy, sour extra kick on hearty stews, such as bortsch (Russian stew with meat, cabbage and beetroot).
Schmant is made from cream . In the first step, the dairies separate the milk and cream from each other. This is done by centrifugation . They then bring the cream to a fat content of 20 to a maximum of 30 percent, although in Germany a fat content of 24 percent is considered standard.
Then lactic acid bacteria are added. These ensure that milk sugar (lactose) is converted into lactic acid.
This procedure solidifies the cream and gives it its typical sour taste . If necessary, dairies add additional thickeners to the cream after a short maturation process in order to achieve an even firmer consistency. At the end, the Schmant is filled into appropriate containers.
Do you always have Schmetten or Schmant in stock in the fridge or in a chilled pantry?
If not, you can use substitute products. You have various alternatives to choose from.
Some of these alternatives are ideal for cooking and flavoring sauces or soups, while other substitute products are also suitable for use in baking.
In addition to crème fraîche and sour or sweet cream, cream cheese and yoghurt are also good substitutes for schmant . In some cases, whipped cream also works as a substitute.
Even as a vegan, you have several options for replacing sour cream . You don't even have to miss out on a creamy consistency and a full-bodied taste.
But the plant-based sour cream alternatives are not only interesting for vegans. For example, if you get diarrhea from milk , the vegan diet offers you many different alternative products.
Soy Cuisine and oat cream, for example, are two options that can be used as a substitute for sour cream .
In the supermarket you can also get the right ingredients to make vegan sour cream from cashews. There are more than enough options for vegan Schmant substitutes .
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