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Every other lunch break you think or say the same thing: "I should really take my own lunch from home more often."
Or: “I’ll actually cook ahead for tomorrow.”
When you get home after work, you find yourself without inspiration.
Because we know this problem really well, we have thought of something for you.🤗
Here you will find 5 tasty and simple ideas for your vegan meal prep! This way you can make provisions for one or even several days at a time.
Let's start with a little color and flavor fireworks display
– Buddha bowls!
Fill your bowl with a variety of fresh vegetables, combine them with proteins like quinoa or lentils and top with a dressing of your choice.
These colorful bowls are not only a feast for the eyes, but can also be real nutrient bombs - and only what you like goes in!
In the delicious picture here you can see one of our favorite dishes:
The well-being bowl with vegan Köttbullar based on pea protein , baby spinach, sweet potatoes, lentils and a few other ingredients.
Did you immediately feel like imitating them? Check out the recipe here.
For particularly little effort in the kitchen: Try ready-made meals from a jar , for which you only have to prepare the side dishes !
Plant-based Bolognese sauce from a jar, for which you throw some pasta into the pot the evening before, a plant-based chili sin carne that can be combined very quickly with home-cooked or pre-cooked rice from the package. Or how about a plant-based goulash with potatoes? You can find all of these options here in our online shop .
We at GREENFORCE also like things to be cozy. The delicious ready meals in jars are regularly on our menu.
Tested and approved by the team. ✔️
Lots of flavor - little washing up!
For those who like things simple, one-pot meals are the perfect solution.
Simply throw ingredients like pasta, tomatoes, water and vegetable köttbullar into a pot or baking dish and let them simmer or bake in the oven until the pasta is al dente.
Voilà – a delicious and uncomplicated meal is ready! And if you make enough of it, you can eat it for a few days.
From spicy curries and stews to hearty casseroles , the possibilities are truly endless.
For example, here you can see delicious one-pot pasta with vegan meatballs.
From stuffed peppers with quinoa to aromatic mushrooms with vegan pesto - here you can let off steam and enjoy a delicious vegetable kick at lunchtime at work.
Our favorite combinations:
For everyone who is on the go a lot: Salads in a glass are your top solution for the healthy-busy balance act.
Simply layer your favorite ingredients in a jar, close it tightly and you have a delicious take-away meal that stays fresh. You can store the dressing in a smaller, separate container.
Experiment with different dressings and toppings to add variety to your salads.
Snacks can also be prepared healthily in no time
- how about roasted nuts, hummus with vegetable sticks or homemade energy balls?
These little treats are not only perfect for in between meals, but also keep you fit and energetic throughout the day.
Important to combat the midday slump.
Cocoa-coconut power packs, nut-nougat wonders, matcha-mint energy balls or raspberry-oatmeal balls - when combining the ingredients of homemade energy balls, you can experiment to your heart's content.🥰
In principle, you only need 3 different components for the Energyball basic recipe:
You can soak the dried fruit in water in advance for a few hours or overnight to make it easier to chop later.
Simply add your choice of fruits, nuts, spices and add-ons, such as protein powder or turmeric powder, to the blender until the whole thing has turned into a sticky mass. This can then easily be formed into balls, which you can then coat.
This step is important to round things off so that the finished energy balls don't stick to each other.
Now into the Tupperware containers with everything.
We hope you have fun meal prepping and snacking!