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Eggs are popular foods for many people. They are rich in energy and nutrients. They can also be used to make many tasty dishes. For people with chicken white allergies, eggs and egg components in processed foods become a challenge.
They react to consumption with discomfort and allergic symptoms. How can you react to this specific protein allergy with an adapted diet? In this article you will find out everything about chicken protein allergy and the options when changing your diet .
Along with carbohydrates and fats, proteins form the three macronutrients. As a prefix, macro refers to a certain size of these nutrients in comparison to the micronutrients, such as vitamins and trace elements .
Proteins are often branched chains of particles. They are therefore relatively large compared to other food components. This may be one reason why some of these proteins cause allergic reactions in some people.
In this case, the human immune system is making a mistake : it judges harmless and useful substances such as proteins as hostile. As a result, it sets the entire cascade of a defensive reaction in motion. Among other things, certain antibodies are formed and the messenger histamine is released.
This messenger substance is responsible for unpleasant reactions such as a runny nose, cough, shortness of breath, swelling of mucous membranes and much more. If chicken protein is actually a pathogen , this immune reaction would be useful. It could help remove the pathogen from the body.
If you are allergic to a food component such as chicken protein, you are not dealing with a beneficial reaction, but rather with unpleasant allergic symptoms . Chicken protein allergy is not a rare phenomenon. It is the second most common form of allergy in children.
An allergy to food components such as chicken protein becomes apparent within a very short time after consuming the allergy-triggering substance. The affected person may get a red face after eating.
Other possible reactions include :
Children in particular are at risk of chronic skin reactions such as neurodermatitis and growth disorders. In rare cases, the allergic reaction to chicken protein can be very intense.
Anaphylactic shock can lead to circulatory collapse, rapid heartbeat, impaired consciousness and severe shortness of breath. In the worst case, there is a danger to life.
Against this background, a chicken protein allergy is not a simple feeling disorder after eating eggs. Those affected should not take their allergy too lightly. It is important for them to know which foods contain chicken protein to which they are allergic.
Above all, you should concentrate on avoiding ingesting the allergy trigger . Because consistently successful therapies against allergies can only be expected in the future.
Do you have hay fever? Then your doctor may have already offered you desensitization against the allergy trigger such as birch pollen. Maybe you have even successfully carried out such therapy.
Is it possible to desensitize yourself to chicken protein ? In the USA there are the first successful immunotherapy approaches for allergy to chicken protein.
However, there are still some questions unanswered. Likewise, the possible desensitization is still viewed with caution in this country. For all food allergies, some scientists and experts are skeptical about desensitization attempts.
They think that they can avoid the allergens by avoiding the foods . That's why leaving it out is often their first choice.
To make matters worse, desensitization measures are a time-consuming and expensive process. It is not yet clear whether health insurance companies in Germany will also cover this type of desensitization in the future.
Likewise, desensitization is not successful for everyone affected and is not without risk.
Contrary to what many people assume, the term chicken protein does not primarily refer to the meat of chickens. The meat is also rich in protein. This is related to the classic chicken protein and can also lead to a reaction in people allergic to chicken protein. At the heart of chicken protein allergy is the chicken egg .
Anyone who is allergic to chicken eggs currently has a difficult time choosing their food. Many finished foods contain egg components , which is not always understandable at first glance for those affected.
You have to wade through ingredient lists and trust that all ingredients have been reliably recorded in accordance with relevant regulations.
If you have a chicken protein allergy, you are not generally allergic to proteins . The proteins in different foods all have different shapes. That's why we don't generally talk about allergy to protein, but rather about specific protein allergies. A general allergy to protein would be fatal.
Protein is an indispensable building material for the human body. Certain proteins - the amino acids - are sometimes indispensable. They are called essential amino acids. Aminos are the smallest parts of more complex proteins.
We have to keep getting the essential amino acids with our food because the body cannot produce them itself. You can consume proteins from different sources. Animal and vegetable protein are possible.
Animal proteins are often considered to be more valuable because of the essential amino acids they contain. The chicken egg in particular proves to be a particularly valuable source of protein. The amino acid profile of the chicken egg is very similar in structure to human body protein.
That's why nutritionists have assigned chicken eggs a biological value of 100 as a starting point for protein evaluation. Can people replace eggs and eat a vegan diet ?
Don't be intimidated by the concepts of the biological value of chicken protein. Chicken eggs are not necessarily part of the human diet. Chicken protein allergy is not the only possible reason to avoid eating eggs.
The vegetable protein also provides you with all the necessary essential amino acids embedded in an overall balanced diet. Overall, people are not dependent on animal foods.
You can replace eggs, replace milk and eat a plant-based diet. A balanced diet can be achieved if the food is put together correctly. Only when supplying the B vitamin B12 can an additional supply of a dietary supplement be necessary in the long term.
If you are allergic to chicken protein, you have various options to avoid the allergen in your diet. You can just replace eggs or opt for a plant-based diet overall.
You don't have to become vegan today, but perhaps there are other aspects that speak for you in favor of a complete change in diet . We at Greenforce are at your side no matter what.
It makes sense to most people with a chicken protein allergy to avoid eating chicken eggs in the future. This is also relatively easy because in the future you simply push the cart past the egg rack.
The situation with chicken protein allergy becomes more challenging when it comes to certain foods to which we usually add eggs. Equally beloved recipes that we value very much. Questions arise here such as : Will vegan scrambled eggs be successful?
What can you use as an egg substitute if you want to bake a cake? We would like to answer your most important questions.
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While we decorate dishes such as fried eggs or scrambled eggs for the joy of their own specific taste , eggs have a specific function in some other dishes. The egg yolk, for example, binds certain substances together. That's why eggs are used as a binding agent in baked goods.
They can also fulfill this function in sauces. If you want to make meatballs, the egg yolk can also serve as a binding agent. You can use eggs as a binding agent, but you can also use other binding substances.
Eggs can easily be replaced as a binding agent in some dishes. Sometimes oat flakes are enough to achieve a binding effect. If you want to make it easier, choose a ready-made egg yolk substitute . We offer you suitable products.
Greenforce has included various ready-made products in its range as a replacement for eggs, with which you can cook and bake in the usual way. So that enjoyment is not neglected, we offer you vegan eggs . Nothing stands in the way of your enjoyment at breakfast.
What can you use as an egg substitute ? It depends on. In some dishes, eggs are not used for flavor reasons or as a binding agent, but rather to achieve a certain color. Deal with the topic of eggs in food.
You will find many creative ways to replace an egg in a vegan way . For some people, their chicken protein allergy became an introduction to a vegan lifestyle. This benefits animal welfare and, on a larger scale, the climate.
With our selection of high-quality substitute products , egg substitutes and cakes are no problem. Not only with regard to a chicken protein allergy, it is also important that all ingredients and components of ready meals are listed reliably. In this respect too, you can definitely trust our products.
If you don't want to become vegan today, take a look at our vegan products anyway. Maybe you would like to gradually integrate plant-based protein more and more into your everyday life.
You'll start with egg yolk substitutes and other substitutes as you open up a new world of worry-free plant-based enjoyment.
Even though in many children the chicken protein allergy disappears on its own over time, this does not apply to everyone. Who wants to risk a red face after eating for the rest of their life? Or even more intense allergy consequences?
You can live with your chicken protein allergy without affecting your quality of life if you choose vegan substitute products. This protein allergy doesn’t have to rule your life. We would be happy if you discovered egg substitutes for cakes and other dishes in our shop and started creating your egg-free life.