Here comes our monthly overview of 15 selected products that you can buy regionally in December either as outdoor or warehouse goods. Even in the cold months you can cook fresh and delicious food. Promised! Of course you will find our seasonal Vegan December recipe here again!
Winter is coming.

Our recipe idea for December
Our December recipe is prepared super quickly and perfect for your next snack: scrambled egg sandwich with beetroot cream! 😍 Beetroot stimulates digestion, is good for the liver and lowers blood pressure - a great vitamin injection.
In addition to high-quality protein, chestnuts contain a lot of fiber, which supports digestion. Compared to other types of nuts, chestnuts have less fat and also have an antioxidant effect. They therefore develop protective and health-promoting effects.
Seasonal products in December
When the cold season begins and Christmas is just around the corner, you can also see this on the menu: more hearty dishes with different types of cabbage find their way into our kitchen. Freshly harvested in the vegetable shelf you will also find kale, leeks and Brussels sprouts as well as horseradish. For most fruits and other vegetables, you have to use stored goods when temperatures are below zero. Here you have a large selection, such as: apples , pears, onions, pointed cabbage, potatoes, carrots, walnuts, celery, pumpkin.
So even if December is cold and rather gray, you can enjoy colorful products.