Are you looking for a healthy diet without animal products? Choose from vegan vitamins that are perfect for your diet. If you eat a vegan diet, some “ classic ” vitamins are omitted. However, completely foregoing these vitamins is not an option either.
We will now show you where you can get which nutrients . We also clarify whether vegans actually have a B12 vitamin deficiency or not.
Living vegan: animal-friendly, but...
First of all, from a purely ethical point of view, it is of course a nice thing to avoid animal suffering . If you don't need animals for your food, they can't be harmed.
At the same time, however, you are also a valuable living being that has needs - just like vitamins . However, some of these nutrients are found in sufficiently large quantities almost exclusively in animal products. We therefore have to find out how you can still supply these vitamins to your body .
By the way, you can't simply do without it. The body cannot produce these substances itself through metabolism. These substances must be absorbed through food - there are no alternatives.
Exceptions like vitamin D prove the rule . Resolutions like “ I don’t do anything for animal welfare ” are perhaps laudable, but are sometimes out of place in this matter.
How do I know which vitamins I need?
You yourself cannot say this with certainty. In order to determine any deficiencies, a visit to the doctor is essential. He or she can clarify whether you need supplements or not . Such a visit to the doctor is advisable if you change your diet drastically - from meat eater to vegan overnight, for example.
After a certain amount of time, you should have it checked to see whether everything is OK with your vitamins . If this is not the case, you can intervene quickly and easily.
Inventory: Which animal products contain which vitamins?
Before we show the vegan alternatives , let's take a quick look at which non -vegan products contain these substances. It doesn't necessarily have to be about meat : eggs, milk and similar products are also included.
You can find vitamin A, for example, in milk, butter, cheese and, in small amounts, in meat.
Vitamin B can be found primarily in numerous meat products - in every subspecies, i.e. B6, B12 and the like. Vitamin D is contained in numerous, especially fatty fish, such as herring or salmon.
Nature provides us with a lot of these substances, some of which are mainly found in animals . The B vitamins in particular are at the forefront here. If you can't get anything from animal vitamins, we need plant-based substitutes.
Fortunately, the need for vitamins is quite low; just a few micrograms per day are enough . With the right substitute, you can quickly satisfy your need.

Vegan vitamins: alternatives to animal products
We will now show you the most important vitamins, their function and their occurrence . This way you know exactly what you should put on your shopping list next time.
Vitamin A and provitamin A
This substance is very important for your metabolism, your skin, cell formation and eyesight . The classic is carrots, but it can also be found in spinach and kale. If you want it to be a little sweeter, choose sweet potatoes or pumpkin.
Provitamin A is a precursor to the actual vitamin . Only in the body is it converted into pure A through metabolic processes. It is commonly found in many fruits and vegetables, such as peaches, pears, mangoes, arugula salad, broccoli and other green vegetables.

vitamin B
The B vitamins are divided into numerous subgroups :
- You can get B1 , for example, from wheat germ, soybeans, sesame, whole grains, sunflower seeds or even peas.
- B2 feels at home in green vegetables: spinach, asparagus, broccoli, kale and similar are suitable.
- B3 is generally contained in many legumes. There are also peanuts, dates, lots of mushrooms, coffee beans and even dry apricots.
- You can also find B5 in mushrooms, peanuts, legumes in general or in watermelons.
- B6 is contained in tomatoes, lamb's lettuce, spinach, potatoes and many whole grain products.
- You get B7 , also called biotin, from spinach, tomatoes, carrots, mushrooms, rice, soy and many other products.
A small peculiarity is B12 : it is practically not contained at all or only contained insufficiently in plant-based foods . At the same time, it takes on important functions for metabolism.
In order to form red blood cells, your body absolutely needs B12. Vegans must therefore consume vegan B12, ideally through dietary supplements . This ensures that you do not develop any deficiency symptoms (more on that later!).
However, too high a dosage of B12 can also have negative consequences for you - such as an increased risk of lung cancer. A conversation with a nutritionist will give you clarity.
vitamin C
This substance is crucial to protect your cells and accelerate metabolic processes . You can find it in numerous fruits and vegetables, such as strawberries, oranges, rose hips, peppers, Brussels sprouts, lemons and more.
Vitamin D
You need this substance to support your bone health and strengthen the immune system . Sunlight is already enough to form this substance - but only in bright seasons. Many types of mushrooms such as mushrooms and chanterelles help in autumn and winter.
Vitamin E
To protect your cells , you need this substance. You can find it in many vegetable oils, many nuts, raspberries, soy, tomatoes and savoy cabbage.
Vitamin K
This substance is important to promote blood clotting and prevent calcium deposits . Cabbage, parsley, avocado, broccoli, cress or even chickpeas are good sources.
Vitamin B12 deficiency and the symptoms: what can happen?
Since B12 can almost only be absorbed through animal products , vegan lifestyles could lead to a deficiency. This manifests itself through mild to severe symptoms.
Among other things, you might observe the following phenomena :
- You suffer from fatigue and poor concentration even though you get enough sleep.
- You feel unsteady and are prone to falling or becoming paralyzed.
- You notice an unexplained tingling sensation in your legs and/or arms.
- Your tongue burns or your muscles suddenly give out.
- You suffer from a headache or sudden confusion.
- You are prone to depression without any apparent cause.
At the same time, we don’t want to scare you at this point. You really have to treat your body very badly until you experience these vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms .
However, if you have been eating a purely plant-based diet for a long time, you may want to see a doctor and have your B12 level checked . Replacement preparations - which are not expensive - can then get you back on the right track.

Are vegan vitamins sustainable?
What is sustainability ? This topic often goes hand in hand with a vegan diet. On the one hand, you want to supply your body with important vitamins . On the other hand, you don't want this to put too much strain on nature. At this point we have some tips for you to ensure that vegan nutrition for your body remains sustainable .
Regional instead of international
Vegans should generally try to buy locally grown fruit and vegetables. A good example is raspberries. These are enriched with many vitamins , but we only grow them in the summer months.
If you buy raspberries in the supermarket in December, they probably come from far away. Large amounts of CO₂ emissions are generated during transport - so there is no trace of sustainability.
It is therefore best if you buy fruit and vegetables that are currently growing here. Many retailers, including supermarkets, will give you evidence of where which vegetables and fruits come from. This allows you to combine a healthy diet with a sustainable lifestyle .
Pay attention to production conditions
For many vegans, soy is a way to replace meat . That sounds good at first glance : the animal lives on and we still get a schnitzel in the pan.
However, soy must first be cultivated . If gigantic areas of forest are destroyed for this purpose, we will be left in the dust. The animal lives on - but we are still destroying its habitat.
If you want to be on the safe side, you should only buy soy products if you know where and how they were produced . This is not always easy, as this information is sometimes difficult to obtain.
Quality seals can help
Seals such as those from Demeter or Fairtrade can help you quickly find sustainable, fair products in stores. The Demeter seals in particular are extremely strict. For example, they guarantee healthy biodiversity when growing vegetables and fruit and the avoidance of pesticides .
All in all, a vegan diet and therefore the intake of vitamins can be absolutely sustainable. However, you have to look closely - otherwise vegan is free of animal suffering, but not sustainable.
Children and the vegan diet
We have found so far that you can live an absolutely vegan lifestyle with a prudent lifestyle and substitute supplements . As an adult, you won't have any problems meeting your vitamin needs if you eat consciously.
However, this does not apply to every stage of life, as a look at children and young people shows. The German Nutrition Society therefore comes to the conclusion that a vegan lifestyle is not suitable for children . As our body grows, the nutrient requirements become very high. It is difficult to cover this with only fruit and vegetables at this age.
The German Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine also recommends that children and adolescents not eat a vegan diet . If this is to happen anyway, it is essential that you consult your doctor and/or nutritionist beforehand.

Children, young people and their own will
At this point, we also advise you not to use authoritarian violence to pass on your vegan lifestyle to children. Young people in particular can make their own decisions and weigh up the pros and cons . Of course, we don't want to dictate who should raise their children and in what way.
In view of the advice from the DGE and DGKV, sensitivity is required when it comes to nutrition. In the worst case, we deprive children of important nutrients through a diet that is too strict . These could seriously affect the child's development. You should therefore not get involved in this without consulting experts.
Pregnant and vegan life - is that possible?
Yes but! The healthy into life network, for example, recommends that pregnant women should definitely take nutritional supplements . This applies during pregnancy as well as when breastfeeding.
The background to the recommendations here is that a deficiency could have serious consequences for the child. The focus is particularly on B12 and iron . A lack of B12, for example, can damage the child's nervous system.
If you are pregnant and still want to follow a vegan diet , you definitely need to talk to a doctor about it. A nutritional advisor will then tell you exactly what you should and should not do.
In general, however, nothing stands in the way of a vegan diet during this time - as long as you take substitute preparations. If this is the case, your child will not suffer any impairments.
Where do I get iron?
Since we just mentioned iron, let's take a quick look at some useful vegan sources of iron .
You get a lot of iron from pumpkin seeds, sesame, linseed and similar seed products. Almonds and hazelnuts as well as pistachios are also rich in minerals .
Oatmeal is a strong vegan source of iron - as are dried apricots. Slightly less iron, but still a decent amount, is contained in dried plums.
If you like tofu and soybeans, we have good news. These legumes, like chickpeas and lentils, provide high amounts of iron .
Finally, some vegetable variants are possible. These include spinach and kale as well as various herbs such as parsley or basil.
If you would like to satisfy your iron needs through vegan means , the products mentioned are a good option.
Conclusion: vegan vitamins are plentiful
It is clear that your body needs to be supplied with vitamins - and now you also know that this is possible vegan. With the exception of B12, most of these substances are contained in a wide range of herbal products . If you know where to look for them, you can easily write them on your shopping list and live accordingly.
However, in certain cases you should still be careful. During pregnancy or if you have any chronic illnesses, a visit to the doctor is essential. Otherwise there may be a risk of deficiency symptoms that endanger your own health. If you follow these simple tips , nothing will stand in the way of a vitamin-rich vegan diet .