Vegetarian grilled meat: About grilling without animal products

Most people know that vegetables are great for grilling. Zucchini, corn on the cob and the like have long been a staple on the grill. Many grill fans are still unsure when it comes to meat substitutes: Is vegetarian grilled meat really suitable for the grill? And how does that even work?

Make your own vegan mince

Which meat substitute can I grill?

With the right spices, you can give vegetables a savory or smoky flavor. Meatless substitute products from the supermarket still remain a must-have for many vegetarians and vegans: they replicate both the taste and consistency of conventional meat.

But what does vegan mince, steak or grilled sausages actually consist of?

Vegetarian grilled meat made from soy


Asian cuisine has known and valued tofu as a healthy source of protein for centuries. The cut-resistant mass consists of soaked soybeans that are pureed and solidified by heating.

Natural tofu has almost no taste of its own, which is why you should marinate and season it thoroughly before grilling . Since it contains a lot of water, you should squeeze the tofu with a kitchen towel before marinating. Another trick is freezing and thawing : this makes the mixture firmer, which is useful for grilling .


Tempeh is made from whole, shelled soybeans that are first steamed and then fermented with mushroom cultures. The cut-resistant mass tastes slightly nutty, is easy to fry and is perfect for vegetarian grilled skewers .

soy meat

When soybeans are ground, defatted and pressed, textured soy is created. Because of its grainy structure, this soy meat is suitable as a vegetarian substitute for goulash or minced meat. You can buy soy meat in the form of medallions or steaks for the grill.

Vegetarisches Grillfleisch aus Soja
Getreide als Fleischersatz ohne Soja

Meat substitute without soy

Tofu is often considered the epitome of the word " vegan " - but soy-based products are unsuitable for people with an intolerance. Fortunately, there are numerous other vegan protein sources that you can rely on.


Seitan is a meat substitute made from wheat flour, from which manufacturers remove the starch until only wheat protein remains. The result is characterized by a meat-like consistency and a neutral taste. You can find Seitan in the form of steaks or sausages in supermarkets, and you can make your own vegan meat using Seitan powder.


Vegetarian burger patties and meatballs are often made from pea protein. This applies, for example, to the burgers from Greenforce , with which you can make vegan meat yourself. We supply products in powder form that you can mix yourself. 

Many people know the chickpea as the main ingredient in falafel or hummus. The fiber-rich legume is now also used as a meat substitute . Chickpeas contain a lot of vegetable protein, iron and similar amounts of calcium as cow's milk.


The so-called Lopino is created from soaked, pressed and heated lupine seeds. It is also known as sweet lupine tofu : the two vegetarian foods have many similarities with their high protein content, neutral taste and hardness to cut. The advantage of Lopino, however, is that lupins can also be grown in this country. They therefore have a better CO2 balance. 

Another meat alternative made from grain is green spelled, i.e. spelled that is harvested half-ripe. After roasting and drying, it produces grist with an intensely nutty taste and a high fiber content. Grünkern is good for making vegetarian meatballs and meatballs .

Sunflower seeds

What is vegan mince made of? The answer is now often : sunflower seeds. Because of its regional origin, the soy-free protein and vitamin bomb is considered one of the most sustainable meat alternatives . Manufacturers grind and grate the sunflower seeds until a consistency similar to minced meat is formed .

How do I grill with meat substitutes?

On their first vegan barbecue evening, even the most experienced grill masters are faced with a big question mark : Do the same rules apply to vegan and vegetarian grilled meat as to animal products? Fortunately, this question is valid, but not difficult to answer.

Tipps für vegetarisches Grillfleisch

Can I cook plant-based foods on any grill?

Vegetable grilled food is significantly more sensitive to heat than animal products . It is best to prepare it on a grill with an adjustable heat supply. If you also want to put vegetables on the grill, a kettle grill is suitable.

It has ventilation slots in the lower part that create a circulating air effect like in an oven. This means the heat is distributed evenly and you don't have to turn your grilled food .

Three important tips for grilling with meat substitutes

1. Marinate and season

In particular, tasteless meat substitutes such as natural tofu or unprocessed seitan benefit from a strong marinade. The following ingredients are suitable for this :

  • Vegetable oil : sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, olive oil
  • Spices : black pepper, cayenne pepper, paprika
  • Soy sauce
  • Tomato paste
  • Mustard

Smoked salt or smoked paprika powder gives the grilled food a delicious smoky note that is reminiscent of conventional meat. But be careful : salt does not belong in the marinade, but should only be sprinkled over the grilled food at the end. Otherwise it prevents the other flavors from penetrating deeply enough.

2. Set low heat

Vegan foods are more sensitive to heat than animal products. If you grill them at the same temperature as a beef steak , they could burn. Therefore, set the heat on your grill to a low level and it is best to grill with indirect heat .

3. Have oil ready

Vegan and vegetarian grilled meat releases significantly less liquid than animal products. Before grilling, add some vegetable oil to the grate to prevent anything from sticking or burning. Also keep a bowl of sunflower or olive oil next to the grill and brush the food regularly with it.

Why are substitutes better than meat?

Vegetarians know numerous reasons to live a vegetarian life : animal and climate protection, but also health benefits. Passionate meat eaters know just as many reasons not to do it : the money, the effort, the iron, which is not contained enough in plant-based foods. Is there an answer to the dispute?

Are vegan alternatives really healthier?

Vegans are confronted with many prejudices that supposedly speak against their diet. You can easily refute most of the arguments. We have put together the most important points for you.

Vegan turmeric balls

Red meat is more dangerous than vegan protein sources

The population's meat consumption is a thorn in the side of nutritionists. Anyone who eats large amounts of pork or beef is prone to diabetes and high blood pressure, and the risk of cancer could even increase.

Things are different with meat-free substitute products . Many vegan burger patties, for example, are cholesterol-free and significantly lower in calories than their animal equivalents .

Natural vegan foods such as tofu or tempeh also score points because they :

  • are rich in fiber,
  • provide lots of vegetable protein and
  • Contain less saturated fatty acids than animal products.
    Rotes Fleisch ist gefährlich
    Zusatzstoffe in veganen Fleischalternativen vermeiden

    Avoid additives in vegan meat alternatives

    Natural vegan products are considered healthier than their meat equivalents. However, a common criticism of ready-made products such as vegan sausages or burger patties is the amount of additives : the highly processed products often contain flavor enhancers, phosphates and thickeners.

    However, it is clear that finished products containing meat contain just as many additives. The diet is therefore not to blame for the amount of chemicals used.

    When shopping, make sure that your vegetarian products do not contain any flavor enhancers or artificial colors. In addition, salt and sugar should be as far back as possible in the list of ingredients.

    Vegan products have a better carbon footprint

    One of the biggest advantages of meat replacement is that no animals die for plant-based foods. Hardly anything else motivates more people to live a vegetarian life . And yet climate protection is similarly important : meat production for human nutrition is one of the main reasons for climate change .

    If you follow a vegan diet, you can reduce your carbon footprint by a whopping 73 percent. This fact is primarily due to the smaller amount of agricultural land required for the production of vegan food . Trees can grow on the natural area saved - and these bind CO2.

    How do I recognize vegan products?

    According to the guidelines of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture , plant-based foods must have the addition “ vegan ” or “ vegetarian ”. But not all manufacturers implement this : Instead of the specified terms, vague descriptions such as “ plant-based ”, “ natural ” or “ veggie ” can also be found on the packaging. 

    If you want to make sure that you only buy vegan or vegetarian products , you can use the relevant seals as a guide . These include, for example, the Vegan Flower from the Vegan Society or the “ V ” label from the European Vegetarian Union.

    Make your own vegan mince

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