Do you eat vegan and are generally very nutritionally conscious? Would you like to provide yourself with all the vitamins you need? You hear again and again that the vegan diet is a malnutrition in terms of certain vital substances.
These discussions are often primarily about vitamin B12 and iron. Blood deficiency and disorders of nerve functions are discussed in this context. That's why nutritional supplements are recommended.
Maybe you are already taking a nutritional supplement with this vital substance. So that you are even better informed, we have put together everything you need to know about the topic. You will also learn how to recognize a sign of a vitamin B12 deficiency .
Vitamin B12 - tasks
When we talk about vitamin B12, we are talking about a whole group of substances. It is called cobalamin. B12 is its most important representative. This cobalamin is often also called extrinsic factor or antipernicious factor .
Biochemically speaking, 5'-deoxycyanocobalamin or simply cyanocobalamin and methylcobalamin are active vitamin forms. However, there are other forms of cobalamins, such as synthetic cyanocobalamin, which compensate for deficiencies in the medical field .
Cyanocobalamin is a more stable form of the vitamin. Hydroxocobalamin is a storage form that must first be activated. Don't let these many names confuse you.
For the sake of completeness, we have briefly introduced them to you so that you can understand the contents of the nutritional supplements on offer.
How is vitamin B12 produced?
The human body cannot produce extrinsic factor independently. That's why it's considered essential because we always have to get it from food. Interestingly, only certain microorganisms (bacteria) can produce it.
This is also the reason why these vitamins are not found in plant foods. The microorganisms are only found in animal tissue. There they produce cyanocobalamin, for example in the digestive organs of animals.
The name extrinsic factor also indicates the special formation of the vitamin . “ Extrinsic ” means something like “ outside ”. The vital substance is an external factor that must enter the human body from outside.
The substance is produced in animal organisms such as ruminants because the microorganisms that can ensure production live in the animals' digestive organs.
This way you can also explain why these vital substances are produced in different quantities in the meat of different animal species. Many of the microorganisms required for this purpose live in the stomachs of ruminants . For other animal species, such as wild animals, there are fewer.
Fish also contain cyanocobalamin and other members of the group through the ingestion of plankton. The plankton lives in particular proximity to the bacteria that produce these vitamins . Scientists speak of this proximity as a symbiosis between different organisms.

Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms
If there is an external factor such as the extrinsic factor, it stands to reason that an internal factor also exists. This is the case. The intrinsic factor is a specific protein . It is found in cells of the stomach.
The extrinsic factor that enters our body from outside is only absorbed by the human organism in conjunction with the intrinsic factor. An important aspect.
With increasing age, certain medications or illnesses, the production of intrinsic factor decreases. There are other hidden causes of cyanocobalamin deficiency .
What is particularly important for you at this point : As a vegan, you do not consume any B12 foods. The supply from your diet alone is not guaranteed.
Why are you taking a possible health risk with deficiencies ? Is it actually necessary for you to take supplements?
Vitamin B12 - functions
Cyanocobalamin is referred to in many publications as a neuroprotectant. We understand this nickname better if we take a closer look at the many important functions of the substance.
It is involved in many vital processes in our organism.
Among other things ...
- It plays a role in cell division and blood formation.
- it is indispensable in the formation and regeneration of nerves.
- It protects blood vessels from damage caused by certain diseases such as diabetes mellitus.
- It breaks down the harmful substance homocysteine, which contributes to the calcification of blood vessels and increases the risk of cardiovascular events such as infarction or stroke.
This vital substance is also associated with the prevention of Alzheimer's and other degenerative diseases . It should be able to support healthy sleep.
Vitamin B12 and the nervous system
Almost all of the mentioned areas of influence of cyanocobalamin and co. are vital. However, its involvement in the formation and regeneration of nerves stands out.
Our nervous system ensures our survival by ensuring that information is passed on between the different areas of the human organism. If information transmission is weak, this can quickly affect a wide range of physical functions.
Our mental performance can be affected here. There may also be restrictions in the movement of the limbs and the function of various organs. No area in our body can do without a functioning nervous system.
It is also problematic that symptoms of a vitamin deficiency for the nervous system can become so serious that they are no longer reversible.
This means that the consequences of a vitamin deficiency in the neuroprotective substance cannot only be of a temporary nature. Under certain circumstances, the disease may progress over a long period of time with serious consequences for quality of life and life expectancy.
Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms
It is not just the possible serious consequences that cyanocobalamin deficiency can cause. What is also tricky is that initial symptoms often only appear when there is a clear need.
In addition, with these symptoms you may not be able to recognize at first that you are lacking the neuroprotective substance. Similar to iron deficiency, the signs are initially rather unspecific. Fatigue and difficulty concentrating can have very different reasons.
The same applies to depressive moods or headaches. Above all, each symptom on its own may initially be relatively unnoticeable. However, some of these symptoms are very specific and are clear signs of a deficiency in the neuroprotective vital substance.
Therefore, pay particular attention to the following symptom:
- Burning tongue
- Disturbances of sensitivity in the extremities and tingling in their outer areas
- Symptoms of paralysis
- Unsteady movement and gait disorders with a tendency to fall
- Muscle weakness
If serious symptoms such as paralysis occur, the deficiency condition is most likely already intense. The exact connections between the storage of extrinsin factor have not yet been fully scientifically investigated.
Apparently the storage forms of these vitamins can be present in organs for up to four years. Accordingly, it can take a long time until an intensive vitamin B12 deficiency develops with symptoms.
Malnutrition therefore does not immediately become apparent with a symptom. One reason why many people underestimate the importance of a good supply of the nerve protection vitamin.

Vitamin B12 supply
As a vegan, you pay attention to your diet. If you know that the supply of cyanocobalamin is so important, you will resort to a supplement.
Other vital substances are also very important for blood formation and nerve function. Here, deficiencies in other substances may be combined with the deficiency in the neuroprotective function.
Signs of iron deficiency can easily be confused with those of B12 deficiency. Iron also plays a significant role in blood formation and the functionality of the nervous system .
The important mineral is also present in plant foods. Unlike B12, which plant-based foods do not contain, you can ensure your supply through a plant-based diet. However, you have to put together your menu carefully.
You also get sufficient amounts of other important vital substances such as folic acid through a plant-based diet. When it comes to getting important vitamins, think about vitamin D.
Overall, you can hardly get this hormone-like substance through food. It is formed by UV radiation in your skin. A nutritional supplement is often useful.
The intrinsic factor
We have already seen in a previous section what a major role a certain protein plays in the absorption of cyanocobalamin. Drugs such as acid blockers have a negative influence on its formation.
Likewise, education naturally declines as people get older. This is why you may develop initial symptoms that indicate a cyanocobalamin deficiency even though you are taking nutritional supplements.
Without the intrinsic factor, your organism will not absorb the valuable nerve protection. Are you unsure whether a certain course of the disease and symptoms indicate a vitamin deficiency ? Then you should ask your doctor for appropriate analyzes.
The importance of iodine for vegans
Current studies show that vegans no longer wait for one or another symptom of a deficiency . They naturally supply themselves with the neuroprotective substance because they do not want to risk initial symptoms or a lack of blood.
Studies indicate that another important vital substance is left out. We're talking about iodine here.
Here, too, vegans have a greater risk than meat eaters of developing an iodine deficiency. Iodine is mainly present in animal foods and algae. A deficiency primarily affects the thyroid.
It can change pathologically if there is an iodine deficiency. That's why it's so important for you that, in addition to the neuroprotective substance, you also pay attention to your iodine supply in your vegan diet .
Vegan vitamin B12 foods
There is an interesting food group that, on its own, cannot guarantee your supply of the neuroprotective substance. But it can complement your vegan diet.
In this context, useful foods are fermented foods such as sauerkraut. Even beer contains traces of the vital substance.
How is that possible ? Certain microorganisms play a role in fermentation - the process in which fermented foods are created. Bacteria become active here, some of which also produce the extrinsic factor to a small extent
That's why it can make sense for you to include fermented foods in your diet.
Sauerkraut and kimchi not only perfect your vitamin supply. They also contain other valuable microorganisms such as lactic acid bacteria. Your intestines will be happy about this. With additional beneficial intestinal bacteria, you can compensate for possible deficiencies in the microbiome of your intestine.
Our vegan alternatives range from meat substitutes to fish substitutes and egg substitutes . Here you will find a large selection of vegan substitute products that provide you with important nutrients and are also super tasty.
You can find our vegan alternatives here !
Important for you : To prevent a vegan diet from becoming malnutrition , eat as varied a diet as possible and include fermented foods in addition to nutritional supplements.

Prevent vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms
With the right awareness when putting together your diet, you will generally not suffer from vitamin deficiencies with a plant-based diet . An exception is mainly the neuroprotective substance.
It is not present in plant-based foods or is only present in trace amounts, such as fermented foods. If you don't want to risk vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms , you can't avoid a high-quality nutritional supplement.
The consequences of a deficiency in this neuroprotective substance can be serious, similar to the consequences of an iron deficiency. That's why you should stay vigilant if you notice specific symptoms such as nerve tingling, movement disorders and a burning tongue .
The causes of a potential deficiency do not always have to be a lack of vitamin intake. If you do not have enough intrinsic factor in your stomach for other reasons, your body will not absorb any or insufficient cyanocobalamin.
Do you suspect that malnutrition or other aspects are leading you to the first signs of a vitamin deficiency? If in doubt, you should have your vitamin levels checked by a doctor.
Better safe than sorry. The neuroprotective substance is so important for you that you should not risk any consequences of deficiency. For vegans, dosages of up to 1000 µg daily can be considered because they do not get the extrinsic factor through food.