Organic seal: what does that actually mean?

Our research and development team has been working on organic solutions for a long time - with success! We can now be proud to already have five products from controlled organic cultivation in our range. These include our organic oat drink , the vegan organic gyros and our three new organic spreads: curry mango, potato chives and Liptauer Art. But which organic seal do the products have and what exactly does that mean?

What does organic actually mean?

We come across the term organic more and more often. Often we don't know exactly what that means, we just assume that it is more sustainable and better.
Actually, the meaning is relatively clear: the production of the product must only be made with ingredients of organic origin, there must be no artificial elements in the value chain and the production of the raw materials must be natural.

Organic seals are available so that end consumers can see at a glance which products meet these and other criteria. These are awarded by organic control bodies after the relevant products have been tested for all guidelines.

Vegan organic spreads with an organic seal
Vegan organic gyros with two organic seals

Which organic seals are there?

There are over 100 eco-labels and organic seals in Germany. These seals promise consumers more sustainability, environmental protection and species equality. However, it is important to note that not every organic seal means the same quality.
There is, among others, the EU organic seal or the German organic seal, also Bioland, Demeter or Naturland. These seals differ in part because of stricter criteria, especially when it comes to animal husbandry, but also when it comes to the approval or rejection of certain additives, fertilizers, feed or husbandry conditions.

It is particularly important to pay attention to organic quality when it comes to products of animal origin, such as milk, eggs or meat. What matters here is the keeping of the animals, the quality of the feed and species-appropriate slaughter.

Which organic seal do GREENFORCE products have?

Our GREENFORCE products have the EU organic seal. This means that at least 95% of the ingredients contained in the product must come from controlled organic farming. In our products it is even 98 percent. We are checked by the organic control body at least once a year. This ensures that all specified guidelines are agreed. For example, no chemical plant protection or fertilizers and certainly no genetic engineering may be used. In addition, it must not contain any flavor enhancers, artificial flavors or colorings, which is the case with all of our Easy To Mix products.

Try our new organic range now! 🧡

Vegan organic oat drink with organic seal
Easy to mix vegan Bratwurst
Easy to mix vegan Bratwurst
🔥 Up to 40% off
Easy to mix vegan Bratwurst
4,99 €
(13,3 € / kg of prepared product)
Easy to mix vegan 'Leberkäse'
Easy to mix vegan 'Leberkäse'
Easy to mix vegan 'Leberkäse'
5,99 €
(7,99 € / kg of prepared product)
Easy To Mix Vegan Weißwurst
Easy To Mix Vegan Weißwurst
Easy To Mix Vegan Weißwurst
5,99 €
(9,98 € / kg of prepared product)