Federal election: The climate crisis affects us all

We have the choice! That's not just said, it's a fact. The federal election in Germany will take place on September 26th, 2021 . We can decide what happens to ourselves and our planet. Because climate protection has long been a political issue. That's why we at GREENFORCE ask you: Go vote for our future! #voteforfuture

Young people are less likely to vote than older people , especially between the ages of 18 and 30. This is despite the fact that climate change and social issues have a particular influence on this group of voters. The young people still have their whole lives ahead of them – a life that may be plagued by a climate crisis. That's why it's even more important that these young people cast their vote. Together we can make a difference – and secure our future.

We have 7 good reasons why you should vote:

Reason 1: Because it is your right!

Not every person in this world has the right to have a say in who governs his/her country and what happens to it. Fortunately, in Germany we have exactly this right: we can change something and we can have a say. Thanks to Article 20 of the Basic Law, everyone eligible to vote can actively participate in democracy.

Reason 2: Every vote counts!

Who governs our country? This often depends on exactly one vote - maybe even yours. The power of one party could suddenly change the country and save us from a climate crisis.

Reason 3: Others decide for you!

If you don't vote, other voices can decide who controls our country, including your future. So if you want to decide for yourself what happens to our planet, among other things, you should vote.

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Ballot papers for the federal election

Reason 4: Voting means taking responsibility!

Politics decides which issues we and they will deal with tomorrow. This decision particularly affects young people. If we forego voting today, we also forego having a say in shaping our own future.

Reason 5: You can actively change politics!

Who will probably determine your everyday life? Democracy needs you! The point of an election is to find representatives who represent the interests of the citizens, including yours, as well as possible.

Reason 6: It doesn't hurt and it's done quickly!

Voting is not a complex act. All you have to do is put two crosses on a piece of paper. All in all, it takes just a few minutes. Even if you are unable to attend on election day (September 26th), you can request a postal vote in advance. You can easily do this online at your citizens' office. This too only takes a few minutes.

Reason 7: Because you influence who becomes Chancellor!

Your vote can help decide who moves into the Bundestag. So you have a say in which party will appoint the person who will lead the government in the next legislative period, who will fight for climate protection and who will be responsible for the guidelines of our future.

Parents for future - go vote

You have the choice - so choose a sustainable future and go vote on Sunday, September 26th, 2021. Vote for your future!

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