Occasional cravings are usually not a big deal. However, if the feeding attacks become regular, it can cause problems.
Especially when you want to lose some weight, these “ attacks ” get in the way. We'll now show you what you can do if you have cravings and how you can avoid them completely.
Cravings: What exactly is it?
Although cravings are about food and therefore something physical, the causes are usually psychological. You can also “ do everything right ” and still suffer from food cravings .
For example, you have an exemplary diet , but in the evening you still reach for chocolate or vanilla ice cream. This can quickly become doubly frustrating. " I'm trying hard, but somehow it still doesn't help! "
Actually, you also know that giving in to sudden hunger is usually wrong. It is obvious that a whole bottle of cola and two pieces of cake in the evening are not healthy. But you still can't really defend yourself against it.
Insulin is partly responsible for this : If you eat something with a lot of sugar, your blood sugar level rises quickly. That means you feel fantastic for a moment!
Afterwards, your blood sugar level immediately drops again and you need more food to ward off negative feelings . Colloquially, this is sometimes described as a sugar crash.
After this rollercoaster ride, your body says , " I need nutrients! " Then it's usually too late and you eat even more.
Psychological causes of food cravings
If we keep ourselves busy, the cravings usually stay away. For example, if you are busy working, you will rarely feel hungry . Exceptions exist when your body really needs food and you simply need to take a break.
However, typical cravings tend to arise in quiet phases :
- Boredom can cause you to literally fill that void with food. Eating something makes you feel happy . " We could be bored right now, but we could also eat a bag of chips. " This is kind of how your body communicates with you in these moments.
- Frustration and stress are also high on the list of craving triggers. You feel bad - but you feel good when your body eats food. Ergo, you eat something even though your nutrient needs have long been met.
Most people are surprised by these attacks in the evening . The work is done, friends and acquaintances are sleeping, you have nothing to do right now. Boredom sets in, the day at work has stressed you out - and you go to the fridge. Filling this void quickly and easily is irresistible for many people .
There are numerous antidotes to food cravings , which we will discuss in more detail in the prevention section. Sometimes it is difficult for you to free yourself from this dilemma.

When is craving unhealthy?
Cravings are not always due to boredom or stress . They can also be serious eating disorders in which sudden hunger is just a symptom. If you can't get the problem under control on your own, you should definitely see a doctor.
As already mentioned at the beginning, cravings for certain foods are occasionally not a bad thing. However, if the problem persists for weeks, months or even years, you should seek medical help.
Nutritionists are also an option, as they are usually very familiar with food cravings .
What is the difference between hunger and cravings?
Your stomach feels empty, maybe it feels a little tight or growls. Things that you normally do easily make you tired quickly . You feel weak, listless and only think about eating something.
In 99% of cases, this is real hunger . You haven't eaten for a while or done any mental or physical work. Your body now demands new energy.
When you experience cravings, you usually don't feel exhausted or physically weak. However, you mostly feel bad - bored, stressed, annoyed . You're not really hungry for something, you're just craving something.
You want to feel chocolate on your tongue or salty chips. These are not important nutrients - and that is usually a craving . If you know the difference, you may be able to do something and take preventive action.
Prevention: the best remedy for cravings!
There are some tips that effectively support the fight against cravings . It doesn't require a lot of effort - and in the end you'll live a healthier life.
Tip 1: Get plenty of sleep
If you don't sleep enough, your body automatically releases ghrelin . The hormone is partly responsible for food cravings . If you don't have enough sleep, you generally lack energy. Your body will demand this through eating and thus feelings of hunger.
To avoid this, just make sure you get enough sleep . But we also know that sometimes “ simple ” isn’t easy at all. So try to structure your day so that you have enough time for a relaxing routine in the evening. Then you will find it easier to fall asleep.

Tip 2: Eat regularly
People love routine . Solid meals are part of this routine. How many real meals you should eat depends on your lifestyle. People who exercise a lot need more food and therefore three or four meals. If you spend most of the day sitting at your desk, perhaps two large meals are enough.
The longer the breaks between meals, the better. At least four to five hours should pass between lunch and dinner. You shouldn't save money at the wrong end, but actually eat until you feel full .
Small meals in between are more harmful than helpful. Typical candidates for these meals are salad and vegetables in general, as well as healthy foods with fiber .
If you are wondering what high-fiber foods are, feel free to read our blog article!
Tip 3: Drink!
Of course you know that you should drink enough. You should consume at least the often mentioned 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid per day. It doesn't necessarily have to be water - tea, for example, is also an option. If you drink enough, you sometimes trick your stomach into thinking that it is now full. This makes feelings of hunger disappear .
Plus, we're not particularly good at distinguishing hunger from thirst anyway. Sometimes it feels like you're hungry - but actually your body is just craving fluids . By maintaining an adequate fluid balance, you can also prevent dry mouth.
This could lead to a somewhat furry tongue, which in turn creates a need for food - like chocolate . If you stay adequately “ watered ,” this will happen less often.

Tip 4: Brush your teeth!
Sounds strange, but it works : brush your teeth! For some people, cravings occur especially in the evening or at night. These times are particularly problematic for weight and health. A simple remedy is to brush your teeth.
This is effective in two ways :
- Subconsciously , brushing our teeth in the evening is a signal to us that we won't eat any more. So you're telling your body : " Okay, that's it for today. " If your cravings have psychological causes, you might be able to combat them well.
- The taste in your mouth after brushing your teeth is nice and fresh, but rarely appetizing. Many dishes then lose their appeal. Sweets like chocolate and toothpaste don't go well together. So you will simply lose the desire to eat something now because it doesn't taste good anyway.
Small disadvantage : The tip only works if you are at home or near a toothbrush. But chewing gum can have a similar effect.
Tip 5: Distraction
Cravings often don't arise because our body needs nutrients . Sometimes it's also boredom. " I have nothing to do, so I'll just eat something. " It might relieve your boredom for a moment, but in the long term it's not a good solution .
Things that strain your brain are better :
- Learn something . Find out more about a topic that has been close to your heart for a long time. Dedicate yourself to a hobby that challenges you - mentally or physically.
- Clean up and clear out ! This is excellently distracting. Afterwards you are left with the positive feeling that you did something good for yourself and threw away unnecessary things.
- Challenge yourself physically and exercise. Depending on your fitness level, this can be anything from a walk to competitive sports.
Any active activity can make you forget about cravings . In the end you will often realize that you weren't actually hungry at all.

Tip 6: Give in to cravings
Not every craving attack really has to be a “ false alarm .” Sometimes your body really needs nutrients. But then you should at least grab the right snacks . Chips, chocolate and gummy bears? Not a good idea. If you shovel too much of it in, your stomach and intestines will get in touch with you at some point.
Healthier alternatives are better. Banana or sweet potato chips, carrot sticks or even a pepper cut into small slices. Nuts are also an option, but many of them have a high fat content.
Are you vegan and wondering what you can eat to lose weight vegan ? Carrots, peppers, etc. are a great choice for this.
Conclusion: Fighting cravings often means changing your living conditions
So what can you do if you have cravings ? If you want to counteract cravings, this usually goes hand in hand with changes in your life. Eating regularly, less stress and boredom, more focus on positive, healthy things in your everyday life . These are some of the remedies that effectively help against sudden hunger.
Changing your diet can also help you stop food cravings .
Visit our online shop , where we offer you many balanced, nutrient-rich and vegan products . We also have a variety ofvegan recipes !
However, we cannot give you any medical advice at this point. If you have an eating disorder, just a few tips for everyday life won't be enough. Then you should definitely seek professional help - and not be ashamed of it.
The phenomenon is widespread. Doctors and nutritionists will therefore be happy to help you effectively get the problem under control .