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Do you suffer from stomach pain, bloating or fatigue after consuming dairy products? Then there may be a casein intolerance behind it.
Most people have heard of lactose intolerance. But milk also consists of other components, including whey protein and casein. There may be an intolerance to both substances .
Casein is milk protein. Since milk protein is found in all dairy products, those affected can no longer consume them without worry. This means that yogurt, butter, milk chocolate and all other products with milk ingredients can also trigger unpleasant symptoms .
Depending on the severity of the condition, it is possible for some affected people to consume dairy products in small quantities. For others, even traces of milk in food have unpleasant consequences.
It is important to note that casein intolerance is not a disease . All you have to do is find out how severe your food intolerance is. Then you can deal with it well and no longer have to deal with unpleasant symptoms.
Luckily, many foods like sour cream can be replaced by simply choosing the vegan version . There are now even delicious plant-based versions of most types of cheese.
Thanks to a mozzarella alternative , no one has to go without the classic tomato dish. There are also vegan versions of yogurt, cheese, schnitzel, fish and other foods.
So that you can better deal with your intolerance, we will explain in this article how you can find out whether you are affected by casein intolerance and what you can do in this case. If you come to terms with it, it will hardly restrict your everyday life.
Even though casein is found in milk just like lactose , it is a different type of intolerance. While lactose is milk sugar, casein is the protein components in animal milk products. If you have an intolerance, your body can only tolerate it up to a certain amount.
If you consume more of it, your body can no longer use the milk protein properly and you will experience unpleasant symptoms such as diarrhea or stomach pain .
The stronger your body's reactions are, the more pronounced your intolerance is. This usually occurs regularly. If your body only shows random reactions, there may be another cause behind it. This could be an intolerance to another food .
However, there can also be psychological causes or a physical illness behind it. It's best to have this checked by a doctor.
However, there can also be psychological causes or a physical illness behind it. It's best to have this checked by a doctor.
It is often impossible to determine why someone is allergic to a food. If someone in your family already suffers from similar intolerance, it has probably been passed down to you.
If you suspect you have a casein intolerance , you should be particularly careful with these products :
Pure milk in particular contains a lot of milk protein. Particular caution is therefore required here. There are also foods that you might not associate with casein at first.
For example, take a look at your favorite chocolate to see whether it contains animal milk. You should also take a look at the back of the packaging when shopping. It is noted there if a food may contain traces of milk .
The symptoms of casein intolerance are similar to the characteristics of other food intolerances. Since it can take some time from the meal to the onset, the cause is difficult to identify. In addition, the symptoms can be mild, so many sufferers simply live with it without investigating further.
For example, fatigue is often simply blamed on the weather or too much stress. But behind this there could be a casein or cheese intolerance .
Additionally, these symptoms typically occur :
The symptoms can occur either individually or in combination. Since every person reacts differently to certain foods, you should pay close attention to your body's signs and discuss them with a doctor .
You can also use the self-test to avoid certain foods for a longer period of time. For example, instead of cheese with cow's milk, use a cheese substitute .
There are various ways to determine intolerance. The first step is to keep a diary. In it you write down exactly what you ate and at what time.
You also note when which symptoms occurred and how severe they were. After a few weeks, with a bit of luck, a pattern will become apparent.
If you recognize certain connections, get to the bottom of them. If you notice that you often get stomach aches after eating quark, then find out about the symptoms of curd intolerance. Use vegan quark next time and see if the symptoms still occur .
In addition, you can have your doctor carry out a skin prick test . In this case, the foods that you suspect intolerance are applied to your skin.
A small scratch is then made in the skin. If you have an allergy, it will show up in reddening of your skin. The more intense this is, the stronger the intolerance usually is.
You can also purchase tests online that can be used to determine food intolerance . To do this, you take a few drops of blood from your fingertip and send them to a laboratory, which will carry out an appropriate evaluation.
However, such tests are not very meaningful. The fact that your blood contains antigens against casein does not necessarily mean that you have an allergy to it .
If you cannot tolerate casein, you should adjust your diet accordingly . The fact that there are now a lot of vegan substitute products on the market can make this change easier. Next time you go shopping, look around the supermarket for a cheese alternative or a vegan substitute for buttermilk .
Remember that casein is found in all foods made from animal milk. It is also used as a binding agent for sausage products. Therefore, caution is advised with these products.
If there is only a slight intolerance , it is not always necessary to avoid casein completely. Try carefully to see if you can tolerate small amounts of certain products. Over time, you will develop a better sense of how strong your intolerance is.
If you want to eat a vegan diet from now on, then find out exactly which nutrients you need to pay particular attention to. Vegetable protein, for example, has a different effect on our body than the animal version. Nutritional advice therefore makes sense.
We at Greenforce offer you many delicious vegan products in our online shop. These are made in Germany, are free of unnecessary additives and completely free of animal ingredients .
You can therefore safely consume them if you have a casein intolerance . Even existing meat lovers are surprised by the authentic taste.
Whether for breakfast, lunch or for the coffee table – you will find your new favorite food in our diverse range.