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Do you like eating soy products because they are healthy and delicious? At the same time, are you worried that soy could have side effects? Then we can help you bring clarity to the darkness with this article.
The soy plant belongs to the legume family and originally comes from East Asia. Today, however, it is grown worldwide, especially in China, Brazil and the USA. But soybean cultivation areas can now also be found in the EU.
These contain a lot of plant protein as well as the essential amino acids that the human body needs. They are also rich in fiber and minerals such as iron and calcium.
As a result, it's no wonder soybeans are so popular - both in retail and in the manufacturing of products like protein bars and meat substitute products.
However, there are also people who struggle with this use because they experience stomach pain or other symptoms when consuming soy . When shopping, those affected must therefore pay close attention to which products they choose.
Below we would like to tell you more about the soybean. First, you will learn more about the importance of the legume and its cultivation. You will then find out which products often contain it. Because this is not always immediately obvious.
Below we will discuss the possible side effects of soy and when they occur. Most people tolerate the soy legume well, but unfortunately not everyone. It is important for them to get help and find good alternatives. We reveal how this works.
More and more people are paying attention to a conscious diet . This also includes eating less or no meat at all or even completely avoiding animal products. If the latter is the case, we speak of a vegan diet.
This also contributes to environmental protection, as animal husbandry in agriculture contributes a large part to greenhouse gases.
In order for vegans to consume enough nutrients and not get sick despite avoiding animal foods , nutritious meat and fish substitute products are of great importance.
Soybeans, among others, have proven to be practical for this purpose. The legume is a good source of protein and is not only used by industry. It is also suitable for making vegan meat yourself .
But as encouraging as the great interest in the soy plant is, it also has disadvantages. Because we not only find soy in the supermarket, but it is also a popular feed in factory farming.
This requires large amounts of soy . This in turn leads to a global expansion of cultivated areas. For this purpose, huge areas of forest are being cleared in the Atlantic rainforest. This destroys an important ecosystem and causes numerous plants and animals to die out.
In addition, genetically modified soy plants are bred because they are resistant to pesticides. This approach can lead to long-term damage to nature and people. It is not (yet) allowed to grow these soybeans in the European Union. But as an import they are fed to animals, for example.
If you want to make sure that your soybeans are free of harmful pesticides and the like, you should use organic products. Strict rules apply here when growing. In addition, organic farming avoids monocultures in order to have the most nutrient-rich soil possible.
Soy plants are now even being grown in some regions of Germany. However, due to the climate, this does not work in all regions, but particularly in the south of the Federal Republic.
As already mentioned, soy is found in many foods , especially vegan meat substitutes. It is often sold as tofu. Tofu has its origins in Asian cuisine, where it has been used for thousands of years.
Depending on the water content of the tofu, it can have either a soft or firm texture. Because it has a mild taste, it is suitable for a variety of dishes. It can be fried, grilled or steamed.
In many products it is clear from the name that they contain soy . This applies to soy sauce, soy oil or soy yogurt. With other products, however, it is not so clear.
Then you need to know the manufacturing process or read the ingredients list. Tempeh , for example, is fermented soybeans. Likewise, miso paste is based on legumes as the main ingredient.
Young green soybeans, which are cooked in their pod and eaten, are often served with Asian dishes . They are also known as edamame. The delicate texture and mild, sweet taste make edamame a delicious appetizer or a small snack in between.
They also serve as a side dish with rice, pasta or soups. Soy lecithin is popular as an emulsifier. This is obtained from soybeans and added as an additive in the production of foods to improve their stability or texture.
Examples of use include the following products :
In addition, soy protein is the base ingredient in many protein bars. Soy flour, on the other hand, is often used as an egg substitute in vegan products. For most people, such additions are harmless.
However, if you suffer from soy intolerance , even small amounts can cause physical problems. You can find out more about this in the next section.
If you suffer from soy intolerance , you may feel unwell after consuming it and experience various physical complaints. The most common problems include gastrointestinal complaints.
Many sufferers also complain of nausea or stomach pain . Diarrhea or vomiting can also occur as a result of consumption. This is a sign that your stomach is having digestive problems from soy .
Another symptom is loss of appetite. Still not hungry several hours after your last meal? Then the soy product you eat may be hard on your stomach.
In this case, don't force yourself to eat a lot. It's better to drink enough water and wait until the symptoms have subsided. Then you can start eating easily digestible food .
By the way, your skin also says a lot about your diet. Because what we eat and drink influences our appearance. A sudden food intolerance can manifest itself as a rash or red patches on the skin. If you are intolerance to soy, you can even develop hives.
A warning sign is if you get a red face after eating and your oral mucosa becomes red, itchy or even swollen. In this case it could even be an allergy.
In this situation, it is advisable to see a doctor as quickly as possible. In the worst case scenario, an allergy can lead to circulatory failure and further symptoms of shock. These include, for example, breathing problems.
The soybeans therefore have no side effects . However, people who are sensitive to the food may experience unpleasant physical reactions after consumption.
How strong these are depends on the severity of your intolerance. While some people only experience mild bloating, others struggle with severe abdominal cramps.
In both cases, it is important to take the symptoms seriously and adjust your diet accordingly . Since traces of soy are contained in various foods, you should take a look at the list of ingredients when shopping.
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If you don't feel well after eating, you need help quickly, because everyone feels very uncomfortable with digestive problems. There is no secret recipe for this case.
But the good news is that the nightmare is usually over after a few hours and you can feel comfortable in your skin again. Until then, you should relax as much as possible, because stress is an additional burden on your body.
If you ask yourself what helps against bloating , you should especially drink tea. Tea with chamomile, fennel or anise can help soothe the stomach and be good for digestion.
In addition, a walk in the fresh air supports the digestive process. Also concentrate on the beautiful things, such as the singing of the birds. This distracts you from possible pain.
Once you get home, you can place a hot water bottle on your stomach if you still feel pain. But make sure that it is not too hot. If it doesn't have a cover, you can wrap it with a towel.
You should avoid carbonated and fatty drinks. First, give your stomach some rest until you no longer have any symptoms . Afterwards you can eat easily digestible food. The best vegan products in this case are, for example, rice cakes or crispbread with spread.
The vegan yogurt alternative from Greenforce is also easy to digest. On our website this is available in natural, banana, vanilla, strawberry and blueberry varieties. There is something for every taste! Made from oats, the vegan products are a delicious and gluten-free source of protein for everyone.
In the future, if you have an intolerance, you should make sure to consistently remove the product from your diet. Otherwise, you will notice side effects again the next time you consume soy . It is therefore better to use vegan food that is made from peas, for example.