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We consume fats every day through our food. This gives us important nutrients and energy. If we consume too much fat, it accumulates in our body and can lead to obesity, liver damage and cardiovascular diseases, for example.
But fat can do even more because it is a flavor carrier. This means that fatty foods taste particularly good to us. So it's no wonder that we quickly consume too much of it.
But while we usually don't even notice the slow deposition of fat in our body , fat intolerance becomes noticeable quite quickly.
Do you suffer from symptoms such as:
Then it may be that you are affected by fat intolerance . In this case, it is important to pay attention to your diet and ensure good digestion.
Because if you deal with it consciously, most of the symptoms can be avoided. The intolerance then no longer limits you.
In this article we will explain to you what exactly is behind fat intolerance and how it differs from a food allergy.
Finally, we will give you tips on what you can do about the intolerance. If you listen to your body's signals, you will be able to enjoy your food again in the future.
Fat doesn't exactly have the best reputation in today's society. But fundamentally devaluing it is wrong.
What many people tend to forget : Fat in moderation is important for our body because we also get the important vitamins A, D, E and K from it. To avoid it completely would be wrong and would even make us sick.
The problem, however, is that many people consume too much fat . If the body cannot process this properly, it is called fat intolerance. The reason is a missing enzyme that affects metabolism.
The good thing is that consuming small amounts of fat is still possible for many sufferers without any problems. This will not overload your body. However, if you eat foods that are too fatty, you will experience physical problems.
With the help of a doctor, you can even find out whether your body reacts particularly strongly to certain foods. By avoiding these foods, you will regain a lot of your quality of life.
Also remember that there are two types of fats:
For us at Greenforce , what sustainability is is very important. That's why we want to promote a vegan diet and the consumption of vegetable fats.
These contain more healthy fatty acids than the animal version. It is best to consume it in its pure form, i.e. as oil. You should only consume hydrogenated fats, such as those found in margarine, in small quantities.
Clearly identifying a fat intolerance can take a while. The reason for this is that the symptoms that occur apply to numerous illnesses and intolerances.
For example, many sufferers suffer from stomach pain, a feeling of fullness and nausea . These conditions also often occur with carbohydrate intolerance and other food intolerances.
Even those affected by mental illness struggle with these problems. This is also the reason why a professional diagnosis is not always possible overnight.
A doctor must first clarify various possible triggers for your symptoms . To do this, he gets a comprehensive picture of your lifestyle and diet.
Furthermore, flatulence, heartburn and diarrhea can indicate fat intolerance. What is characteristic of the symptoms mentioned here is that they do not occur immediately after eating.
Only after a while do the inconveniences become noticeable . They can severely limit life if those affected can no longer go about their usual everyday lives.
If you suffer from digestive problems or stomach pain, you should definitely have this checked by a doctor. If the symptoms are severe, several discussions and examinations may be necessary until the reason is determined.
For example, irritable bowel syndrome can also be behind the physical reactions.
Are you trying to lose weight vegan and have only changed your diet in the last few days? Then the symptoms can also be related to this.
For example, if you have previously eaten a lot of ready-made products, your intestines will first have to adapt to digesting natural foods such as raw vegetables. Flatulence or diarrhea do not immediately indicate that your body cannot tolerate the vegan diet.
It makes sense to have the change in diet accompanied by nutritional advice.
Incidentally, severe itching or a rash after eating does not indicate fat intolerance . This often means a food allergy, which can be life-threatening. If you experience such symptoms, seek medical help immediately!
If you have fat intolerance, you should pay close attention to what you eat. The first step to this is a food diary. In it you write down everything you eat throughout the day - even small things that you eat in between.
With a doctor or nutritional advice you can then find out whether your intolerance relates to certain foods .
You should avoid these foods in the future. This can be difficult at first. Especially when it’s your favorite food.
But there are various options you can do when you have cravings: distract yourself with exercise or try to find vegan alternatives with a lower fat content.
It is important not to completely avoid fats. Instead, make sure you consume healthy fatty acids.
Processed foods usually contain substances that are not good for our bodies. Unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids , on the other hand, contribute to a healthy life. In addition, only monounsaturated fatty acids are produced by the body itself.
However, you have to consume polyunsaturated fatty acids through your diet. They are found, for example, in nuts, linseeds and high-quality rapeseed and algae oils. Just like vegan vitamins, these should be on your menu every day.
By the way, there are currently no reliable statements as to whether a vegan diet can help with fat intolerance . In any case, you should always take a look at the fat content information, even with vegan products .
Otherwise, you can support your digestion by taking enough time for meals. Eat your food consciously, chew thoroughly and allow yourself to rest.
Also make sure to sit as upright as possible. This means your stomach can do its work better. After eating, you can support your digestion with a short walk. Ten minutes are enough for this.
If you follow these tips, you can enjoy your food despite your fat intolerance .