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Gluten is a gluten protein found in most grains, especially wheat and rye. Anyone who is sensitive to the gluten components will notice various effects. Abdominal symptoms with further consequences that affect digestion are typical. But effects on the psyche and symptoms with neurological origins are also possible.
Find out now about foods containing gluten, gluten-induced symptoms and find out how you can get gluten intolerance under control by changing your diet.
Gluten protein is contained in most types of grain. Since grain is not only used pure, but is also a component of many foods, it is almost always present in the daily diet.
Critical foods include all products made from...
getting produced.
These include products such as:
You can also find the substance that can make you sick in other foods. Ready-made products and processed foods are often products containing gluten.
If you suddenly get a stomach ache after eating, this is a clear symptom.
Other abdominal symptoms that indicate problems with gluten-containing foods include...
Headaches and even migraines and changes in the skin, such as redness or severe itching, are also possible. The symptoms can occur immediately after eating or appear after a longer period of time.
Sometimes it's not that easy to establish the connection between diet and various complaints. Neurologically caused phenomena can also have completely different causes.
These disorders indicate diseases and disorders in the peripheral nervous system. Peripheral means: It involves the nervous system outside the brain and spinal cord. A connection to the brain is also possible.
If damage occurs, the following symptoms may occur:
Attention : Before you draw conclusions yourself as to whether the symptoms have something to do with diet, other causes must be ruled out by the doctor. Medical research in this area is only just beginning. A study from 1966 was the first to identify a possible connection. At that time, 16 celiac disease patients were examined in more detail, ten of whom suffered from peripheral neuropathy.
Further research results were shown, for example, in a Swedish study in 2015 . This study found that the risk of peripheral neuropathy in people with celiac disease may be increased by a factor of 2.5. The tricky thing about it: Neurological disorders due to intolerance can also be present without the affected people showing typical signs of food intolerance. This makes it difficult to make a reliable diagnosis and the appropriate treatment options.
The nerves are covered by the so-called myelin layer. Celiac disease and probably also the milder forms, i.e. gluten sensitivity and grain allergy , can cause the myelin layer to disappear.
Autoimmunological processes are probably responsible for this : the body's own immune system attacks the myelin layer. In other diseases, research is continuing; in the case of multiple sclerosis, for example, the myelin layer is damaged or completely destroyed. Diabetes mellitus is also often accompanied by neuropathies.
Because neurological disorders are among the early warning signs of such serious illnesses, a specialist diagnosis is extremely important. However, if it turns out that you are healthy other than the symptoms that indicate food intolerance, there is a very good chance of a significant improvement.
You should not take neurological problems lightly. Depending on how severe the symptoms are, they are not only stressful but can also be dangerous.
Balance disorders manifest themselves as dizziness and make it difficult to walk and climb stairs. The lack of coordination of the musculoskeletal system can lead to falls. A lack of reflexes can further increase the risk of accidents. When the hands and arms are affected by poor coordination, there is difficulty in grasping and holding. The effects can also be seen in the fine motor area.
Critical situations can also arise in the event of perceptual disorders and abnormal sensations. Burns are particularly possible if you don't feel that the water is too hot. When pain receptors fail, you cannot respond immediately to injury. Sometimes the ability to see is impaired or there are problems with the sense of smell. Uneven sensations on the skin appear with a tingling or burning sensation. Affected people also often report numbness in their toes, feet and fingers.
Difficulty concentrating is also stressful. Other signs such as tiredness or rapid exhaustion can be a result of food intolerances. What also makes the assessment more difficult is a possible connection with Long Covid or Post Covid.
The so-called “ brain fog ” can be a consequence of a corona illness that lasts for several months. But it is also a symptom that can occur with such a disorder. That's why the diagnosis should cover a wide area so that you can be sure what the actual cause is.
The neurologist is the right person to contact. It is advisable to talk to your family doctor so that previous examination results and therapies can be coordinated.
Mental health plays a role in many illnesses. The symptoms are stressful and the quality of life is initially limited. This psychological stress can lead to anxiety and depression. However, it is important that other causes of depression are ruled out.
If the symptoms persist over a longer period of time, a vitamin deficiency may arise, which in turn can have an impact on the organism and the psyche. Have the cause clarified thoroughly : only when you know whether you are affected by gluten intolerance or even celiac disease is an interaction possible.
Perhaps when you search for the reason for your symptoms, the term gluten ataxia comes up. Gluten ataxia is an autoimmune disease. Foods containing gluten are the trigger. The disease is rare, but if the doctor diagnoses this disease, it makes sense to act quickly. In this form of the disease, cells in the cerebellum can die.
The treatment of neuropathies generally belongs in the hands of a neurologist. However, there is no therapy that cures diseases that are related to intolerance to the gluten protein. In such cases, the underlying disease, i.e. the intolerance, must be treated. This means: By changing your diet to gluten-free food, the symptoms can gradually disappear again. This requires patience; success usually only comes after a longer period of time.
Until then, there are a number of medical measures that can provide relief from carbohydrate intolerance. Medications such as carbamazepine or gabapentin can help with discomfort. B vitamins also have a supportive effect. If you have pain due to neuropathy, the doctor may prescribe painkillers or antidepressants. Physical therapies are also helpful. These include physiotherapy, exercise baths and electrical treatments, for example with electrical nerve stimulation. Occupational therapy provides relief from poor movement coordination and pain.
The complaints mentioned are often related to sensitivity, but the interaction should not simply be based on suspicion . All signs affect the way you feel about your body. First of all, it's not about illness or health, but about your general well-being. It is important for gluten-sensitive people to get a detailed diagnosis. Because there are differences whether the food intolerance is a sensitivity, a wheat or rye allergy or celiac disease.
Possible consequences include inflammation of the intestines. This can result in further problems. In addition, the absorption of important components of food, such as vitamins and trace elements, is restricted. So it makes sense that you get to the bottom of the cause. Your doctor may perform various tests to determine whether you have an intolerance or allergy to wheat.
A gastroscopy and/or colonoscopy is helpful in many cases for gluten-sensitive people. If it is clear how severe the carbohydrate intolerance is and what could be the trigger, you can achieve a significant improvement in neurological and other complaints by changing your diet.
Gluten sensitivity is relatively harmless from a health perspective. Nevertheless, the effects are quite annoying. A bloated stomach or general discomfort after eating affects your well-being. Unpleasant pressure in the upper abdomen can also be a sign. Pay attention to whether other symptoms develop. If you limit the consumption of foods containing gluten, the condition usually improves quickly.
If you have a wheat or rye allergy, the effects are similar. An allergy to certain foods often develops in childhood, but can also occur later. Your doctor can use an allergy test to determine whether you have a grain allergy. Switching to a gluten-free diet makes sense and brings rapid improvement.
The good news : It is possible to reverse gluten-related allergies if you avoid products containing gluten for a longer period of time. The complete abstinence method is particularly helpful for children.
If you suffer from celiac disease or celiac disease in children, there must be no gluten in your diet to avoid symptoms. Celiac disease in children and adults leads to inflammation in the intestines and must be taken seriously. There is no cure for the disease, but gluten-induced symptoms can be kept at bay with a gluten-free diet.
With a gluten-free diet you can get rid of gluten-related symptoms. Gluten-free food is easy to implement with little effort. It's all a matter of getting used to it, but switching to gluten-free bread, baked goods and pasta works well. The range is now very extensive. You can get suitable products in every supermarket, and many bakeries also offer bread, rolls and cakes.
Shopping for ready-made and convenience products is a little more difficult. Whether frozen pizza or sauce powder to mix, muesli or baking mix, you should read the ingredients carefully. Ingredients containing gluten must be stated.
Anyone who eats in a restaurant is also entitled to correct information. Either dishes containing gluten are marked on the menu or there is a list of allergens and other triggers.
The gluten protein is found in some foods, even though you might not suspect the “ culprit ” at first glance. Processed meat and sausage products are rarely gluten-free. With a vegan, gluten-free diet that completely avoids meat and sausage, you can safely avoid the risk.
But you don't have to go without! With gluten-free substitute products, which you can find in excellent quality at Greenforce , for example, the enjoyment remains! Symptoms due to gluten gradually disappear, even if there is a neurological connection. If you have to permanently change your diet if you have celiac disease , vegan alternatives offer you a safe way out. Celiac disease and a diet that tastes good are not a contradiction, because vegan alternatives are very tasty. You won't miss anything!