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Whether lactose intolerance, fructose intolerance or gluten intolerance: when it comes to food, there are many intolerances. Then some people cannot drink cow's milk, while others are not allowed to eat certain baked goods and pasta. Histamine intolerance is somewhat less known.
We'll tell you what it's all about, which foods contain histamine and why histamine intolerance could trigger psychological symptoms . You will also find out what you can do if you cannot tolerate histamine well.
First, we will explain to you what histamine is : it is an organic compound that the body produces and which has an influence on numerous processes. For example, it is released in the event of allergic reactions or inflammation and helps you fight pathogens.
Histamine also plays a role in digestion by stimulating the production of stomach acid. Since it also dilates the blood vessels, it helps to provide better blood flow to your body. Your body produces the substance itself. It occurs in your brain as well as in the intestines, stomach and lungs. It is also found in certain foods.
Important to know if you have an intolerance : Which foods contain histamine? Here we have put together a selection of different foods that contain a large amount of histamine or can stimulate the body's own histamine production :
By the way : Food and drinks in particular that go through long fermentation or maturation processes usually contain large amounts of the substance. This is generally formed during storage and preparation.
You should also keep in mind that some people who have histamine intolerance can tolerate certain foods that others cannot eat. This varies from person to person.
The way you react to histamine can also vary. You may not notice any reactions when you eat fruit yogurt, but get a headache after choosing sauerkraut as a side dish.
If you react to certain foods containing histamine , you may have an intolerance. It is then not easy for your body to break down the excess substance in the intestines.
One reason for this could be that you lack the necessary enzymes or have too few of them. Those who cannot tolerate histamine may experience various symptoms. These include :
By the way : These symptoms usually appear about two hours after eating foods containing histamine and disappear after a few hours. But not all of these reactions have to happen. It may also be that there is another cause behind the symptoms.
If you suspect that you are not tolerating the substance well, you should see a doctor. You can first go to your family doctor or contact an allergist or gastroenterologist. They can carry out a laboratory test and determine whether you actually have an intolerance.
For example, they determine the histamine level in your blood and find out how many enzymes are in it. You can also find out how much of the substance your body can break down. In this way, they can determine whether your symptoms can be explained by intolerance or whether there is another cause behind it.
Before your visit, you can keep a food diary . In this you write what you ate and drank throughout the day and whether any symptoms occurred shortly afterwards. Your history and whether you have ever reacted to the substance in the past also plays a role.
Another option is to start a low-histamine diet . Then you leave certain foods out of your diet. If you notice that the symptoms decrease during this time, it may be an intolerance.
You can distinguish between two forms of histamine intolerance : On the one hand, there is temporary intolerance. Then it may happen that you suddenly don't tolerate chocolate well. However, a few days later the same strain no longer causes you any problems.
There is also chronic histamine intolerance . In this case, you notice the reactions to certain foods over a longer period of time. And this usually means that your body does not find it easy to break down the substance for various reasons.
Then you should think about seeing a doctor. But even if the reaction to your favorite foods only lasts for a short time, it can make sense if you continue to monitor your body.
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Histamine affects the central nervous system because it acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain and is also produced directly in the central brain. As a result, it has various tasks and functions :
Histamine ...
So you see : The neurotransmitter can do a lot of good for your body, but it should be present in the right amount. It is desirable if you can keep your histamine levels at a certain level.
If you cannot tolerate the neurotransmitter, psychological symptoms may also occur. The reason for this is that too high levels can throw the central nervous system out of balance. It triggers an immune response and, as a result, inflammation in the brain. And these then become noticeable as psychological symptoms.
The following symptoms may occur if you have an intolerance :
By the way : Doctors also often notice altered histamine levels in patients with Parkinson's disease.
The following reactions can also occur if there is too much of the substance in your body :
In addition, you may quickly become stressed and not be able to deal optimally with hectic situations.
Why too much of the substance can affect your mood? It also affects other neurotransmitters, including dopamine and serotonin. And these in turn are responsible for ensuring that we go through the day in a good mood. Do you have histamine intolerance? Depression can then be the result, for example.
Keep in mind that while the reactions may be related to the neurotransmitter, there can also be numerous other causes of psychological problems.
An increased histamine level can affect your psychology. But the opposite path is also conceivable : then your psyche has an effect on the neurotransmitter. If you are stressed, the release of the substance may be increased and this can in turn lead to further psychological symptoms.
However, it may also be that the causes of histamine intolerance are related to your diet.
Curing histamine intolerance is not yet possible. But don't worry : there are a few options so that the reactions don't occur or you can reduce them. For example, it's a good idea to adjust your diet and avoid foods rich in histamine .
However, to avoid deficiency symptoms, experts recommend a three-stage diet change. First, stick to a mixed diet containing vegetables and reduce histamine-rich foods .
After about ten to 14 days, you will occasionally eat such foods so that you can determine which ones actually trigger reactions in you. Then gradually adjust your diet and only leave out the foods that you individually cannot tolerate.
Tip: You can change your diet independently and based on your experiences. However, it may make more sense if you get help from your doctor or a nutritionist.
Both can give you tips and may have great ideas for plant-based foods that you can incorporate into your diet plan instead. They also help you continue to cover all the important nutrients.
By the way : The fact that your body cannot break down the substance could also be a sign of a mineral or vitamin deficiency. You may be missing vitamins B6 or B12 or you may not be consuming enough methionine or folic acid.
Try to eat foods that contain these vitamins. Zinc can also help you because it also inhibits the release of the neurotransmitter.
For a low-histamine diet , it makes sense if you use alternatives to your usual foods. Products from the Greenforce range can help you with this. For example, choose vegan alternatives that you tolerate better.
For example, you can rely on meat substitutes or vegan fish. Instead of Gouda etc., choose a vegan cheese and replace the salami with the plant-based version.
You have already learned that the substance is often produced during the storage or preparation of food. Therefore, make sure that you use fresh food. These should be as unprepared as possible. When it comes to vegetables, you can choose low-histamine varieties, such as potatoes or pumpkin.
You don’t have to do without spices completely either. But don't use ready-mixed spices, instead rely on fresh herbs. Also, prepare sauces yourself instead of refining your food with a ready-made sauce.
It can help you if you cook food well. This allows you to minimize the histamine in the respective foods and possibly tolerate them better.
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To ensure that too much of the neurotransmitter is not produced , it is important that you maintain a healthy lifestyle. It's best to avoid alcohol and leave the cigarettes behind. It can also help if you reduce your coffee consumption or use alternatives such as black tea instead.
If you find it difficult to deal with stress, you can try to become more mindful. For example, plan regular meditations and take enough breaks at work. It can also help if you move a lot.
You don't have to be particularly athletic to do this. It is enough if you take short walks. A few yoga or Pilates exercises can also help you relax more.
Important : You don't have to feel uncomfortable admitting that you are experiencing psychological reactions. Talk to a doctor about it and confide in your family and friends. Your problems are the results of biological and chemical processes.
Certain medications may be able to help you reduce the amount of histamine in your body. Your doctor can prescribe so-called histamine blockers. Tip : These medicines do not always actually make sense.
The expert usually decides this on a case-by-case basis. Probiotics can also be useful, as they can have a positive influence on your intestines and thus also on the formation of the neurotransmitter.
By the way, there are also medications that can trigger intolerance. Observe whether your symptoms appeared after you started taking it . Your doctor may then advise you to stop taking the medication or reduce the dose.
Histamine intolerance - psychological symptoms can occur as well as physical signs. For example, you may notice mood swings or even depression. Maybe you also have problems with digestion or are prone to headaches.
In this case, you should change your diet and find out which foods are making you feel unwell. You may be able to make an improvement : you can replace meat and use vegan alternatives instead.
It can also help if you reduce stress and relax. It's best to try out which methods work for you.