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Does the word pasta make your mouth water? Then we have good news for you! From now on, you no longer have to dream of vegan mac and cheese, you can easily prepare it yourself in just a few steps!
Even many people who claim they can't cook make pasta every now and then. Mac and cheese is one of the simplest dishes. Cook the macaroni, heat the cheese sauce - done! With Greenforce's plant-based cheese sauce, even vegans can do this quickly and easily.
If you enjoy cooking, you can skip cheese sauces and make the cheese substitute yourself, for example with pureed cashews as a base. The amount of water you add determines how creamy or runny the cheese topping should be. Flour gives it a firmer consistency. You also have the option of adding onions, spices or even ground almonds. This makes your dish your very own personal creation!
Cooking your own mac and cheese is also an advantage because you can ensure that you use high-quality ingredients. For example, choose food with an organic label to do something good for the environment. Buying local food is another relevant aspect of an environmentally friendly diet.
There is hardly anyone who doesn't like pasta. It is a cheap plant-based food that is easy to prepare and tastes simply delicious. Pasta is also considered to be an energy source, so it is also popular with athletes. Types such as spaghetti or macaroni are among the most popular pasta and are popular with all age groups.
For this reason, it is hardly surprising that the latter have become a real classic with the dish Mac and Cheese . Although animal cheese was originally used for this, the dish also tastes great with a cheese substitute . The only important thing is that you choose the right vegan alternatives. The creamy consistency of the cheese is particularly appealing to many people.
The dish is often associated with childhood memories. When things have to be done quickly in everyday life, pasta often ends up on the plate. Children in particular are delighted and can't get enough of it. Adults like to turn to macaroni in stressful times and remember their childhood.
The preparation is simple and uncomplicated. It requires only a few basic ingredients and minimal cooking skills. People with little cooking experience use this to conjure up a delicious meal.
Another reason for its popularity is its versatility. The dish can be prepared in a variety of ways to suit different preferences. For a new taste experience, for example, combine a vegan alternative to cream cheese with the pasta. You can also add herbs or spices or give the dish a healthy touch with vegetables.
Tip : Use whole grain pasta next time you cook. It contains more fiber and minerals . Combined with a vegan cheese sauce , you have a wholesome meal that gives you new energy and keeps you full for a long time.
Macaroni is just as delicious as the original recipe with an alternative to cheese . However, cooking may take a little longer if you want to make the vegan cheese yourself . For this you need around 75 grams of cashews, which you first soak in plenty of water for a few minutes.
You can pass the time while you wait by boiling the pasta. Follow the instructions on the packaging . Most macaroni needs around ten minutes to be al dente. If you want it softer, you can cook it for a quarter of an hour.
After a few minutes, drain the cashews and put them to one side. Heat some olive oil in a pan and add two tablespoons of flour. This needs to be sautéed briefly. For a spicy dish, you can add half a peeled and finely chopped onion or garlic clove and sauté until translucent. Now you need 200 ml of vegetable stock and 50 ml of soy drink . Depending on your taste preferences, you can also use a different plant milk .
Bring everything to the boil and then add the soaked cashews, some salt, pepper and 50 grams of yeast flakes . After cooling briefly, puree everything into a creamy sauce. If the cooked pasta is already waiting on a plate, you can pour the sauce directly over it or heat it up again briefly in the pot.
As you can see, the recipe works without any major tools, all you need is a good hand blender or mixer to chop up the ingredients. Including preparation time, you should plan on about half an hour for cooking.
For a simpler version, you can also use our vegan cheese sauce.
Plant-based foods are great for creating individual and unusual dishes. Even if you are lactose intolerant , you don't need to worry if you avoid dairy products. Let your creativity run wild and think about which foods you can combine well with mac and cheese .
We have also put together a few ideas for you that can serve as initial inspiration:
Steamed mushrooms, tofu or chopped nuts are also great for adding variety to classic dishes. Also try different vegan cheeses, for example a plant-based alternative to mozzarella .
You can also enjoy Mac and Cheese as a casserole . To do this, put everything in a suitable dish and sprinkle the pasta with breadcrumbs. Choose vegan cheese that is suitable for baking.
If you want to save preparation time, you can use Greenforce's vegan cheese sauce for your vegan mac and cheese. To prepare it, you simply have to mix the powder with water and bring it to the boil briefly. You will then have a delicious sugar- and gluten-free cheese sauce that you can enjoy with your pasta. Of course, our product is free of preservatives and flavor enhancers.
Our purely plant-based herb sauce also provides variety on the plate. It is just as quick and easy to prepare. Combined with vegan cheese , it will make your next pasta dish a real treat.
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