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Meat is an important source of protein for many people around the world. What many people don't know is that you can have an allergic reaction to meat. This meat allergy, also known as alpha-gal syndrome , is a rare but serious condition. It is often triggered by the bite of a tick.
Those affected do not always immediately notice that they suffer from an intolerance to meat . Symptoms such as nausea or rash are quickly attributed to other causes.
Other foods are often suspected of triggering an allergy . An allergist, for example, can shed some light on the matter. It is important to know that not everyone affected shows the same severity of symptoms. While some allergy sufferers should no longer eat meat at all, others can tolerate certain amounts or types.
However, if you avoid consumption completely, you can be sure that you are not harming your body. With a controlled change in diet to a vegan lifestyle, you are doing something good for yourself and the environment.
In this article we explain the causes of a meat allergy in more detail and present typical symptoms that those affected suffer from. Finally, you will find out how you can eat if you have a meat allergy .
Although giving up a certain food is difficult for many people at first, most people get used to a new diet relatively quickly and then feel fitter and healthier than before.
A meat allergy, like an allergy to preservatives, can have various causes. This includes, for example, genetic predisposition. There is evidence that the presence of certain genes can increase sensitivity to allergens .
However, intolerance must always be viewed in a differentiated manner. For example, some people cannot tolerate poultry. These include ducks, chickens and geese.
Other people are allergic to red meat. They are not allowed to eat pork, lamb or beef. If you suffer from a protein allergy , this intolerance can also come into play.
In contrast to many other food intolerances and allergies, there is another trigger for a meat allergy that has not been known for that long:
One of the main causes is the bite of a specific species of tick , the Lone Star tick . This species of tick has alpha-gal in its saliva, which is injected into the body of the person bitten.
Alpha-Gal is a carbohydrate produced by some animals themselves. These include cattle, pigs and sheep. When a person's immune system responds to the alpha-gal, it creates antibodies against the carbohydrate.
If meat products containing alpha-gal are consumed , an allergic reaction can occur.
Vegans will not notice this change because they do not consume meat anyway. However, since a tick bite can be life-threatening , you should still protect yourself from this danger as best you can.
If you are outdoors, you can take various precautionary measures. It helps, for example, to wear long clothing and use a special anti-tick spray.
In addition, after every walk through the forest or across a meadow, you should not wear your clothes again and check your skin for ticks. You can also get vaccinated against TBE . This is an incurable disease that can be transmitted through a tick bite.
Meat allergy symptoms can vary from person to person and vary in severity.
While some people only suffer from mild allergic reactions, for others an allergy can be life-threatening.
In addition, the symptoms do not have to appear immediately. It's also possible that you won't feel them until a few hours after eating meat. However, this is not unusual and is equivalent to casein intolerance .
Symptoms that may indicate an allergic reaction include the following :
In more severe cases of meat allergy, there may also be difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat. In this case, you should call an emergency doctor immediately as the symptoms can lead to life-threatening anaphylactic shock.
If you are unsure whether your symptoms are due to eating meat , you should seek advice from a doctor. For example, they can check you and rule out illness.
You can also take a closer look at your eating habits under the guidance of a doctor or nutritionist.
Another intolerance may then emerge, such as carbohydrate intolerance . This can manifest itself through the same symptoms, although carbohydrates are mainly found in foods such as pasta and rice.
There is no cure for a meat allergy . Although you can hope that it will go away on its own at some point, it is better to change your diet. First and foremost, it is important to avoid meat products that contain alpha-gal.
These include, for example, beef, pork, lamb and all other meat products from mammals. Fish can usually still be eaten. However, if you want to make a significant contribution to protecting nature, you should also refrain from doing so.
We at Greenforce stand for a vegan diet . Vegans respect every living being and therefore completely avoid animal products. This means replacing not just meat , but also things like milk, eggs and honey .
Some people are critical of meat substitutes because they believe they do not provide enough nutrients. However, there are alternative protein sources that can be used in a meat-free diet to ensure a balanced diet.
Plant-based protein sources such as legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains are a good source of nutrients.
If you have a meat allergy, living vegan is not only a decision for your health, but also for the environment. The production of animal food generates significantly more emissions than the production of plant-based food.
If you change your diet, you should seek advice from a nutritionist or allergist. This will ensure that you eat a balanced diet and get all the necessary nutrients.
After a while, a blood test can provide information about whether your body is lacking certain substances. In this case, a doctor can temporarily recommend nutritional supplements to compensate for deficiencies . However, it is best to get all the important substances through food.
Many people are already happily living meat-free. A meat allergy does not have to mean any restrictions . With delicious vegan alternatives , giving up the food will no longer be difficult after a short time.