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No rolling, this recipe is all about folding. The advantage is that the wrap has four different layers that you can add according to your taste. We decided on two fixed wrap variants. That's awesome!
5-10 minutes
1 wrap each
Breakfast wrap:
20g Easy To Mix Vegan Egg Powder
1 wrap
½ avocado
4 cocktail tomatoes
1 tbsp vegan cream cheese
1 tbsp oil for frying
Salt & pepper or spices of your choice
Lunch wrap:
4 Vegan Mini-Frika from our fresh products - Alternatively, you can of course also use our Easy To Mix meatball.
1 wrap
1 handful of vegan sprinkled cheese
1 handful of spring onions
1 handful of dried tomatoes
2 tbsp sauce of your choice, e.g. delicious taco sauce
1 tbsp oil for frying
Salt pepper
Breakfast wrap:
Halve the avocado, remove the core and cut into small pieces.
Wash tomatoes and cut into thin slices.
Easy To Mix Vegan Egg Mix into a smooth dough according to the preparation recommendations and process into a scrambled egg.
Cut the wrap to the middle and cover a quarter of the wrap from the cut edge with an ingredient, e.g.: scrambled eggs, avocado, tomatoes and cream cheese.
Then season.
Fold the lined wraps together along the edges and fry them again briefly on both sides in a pan preheated with oil.
Lunch wrap:
Briefly fry the mini frika in a greased pan. Alternatively, prepare the Easy To Mix meatball according to the instructions.
Wash the spring onion and cut into thin slices.
Cut the wrap to the middle and cover a quarter of the wrap from the cut edge with an ingredient, e.g.: mini frika, sun-dried tomatoes, spring onions, cheese and finally spread the sauce.
Then season.
Fold the lined wraps together along the edges and fry them again briefly on both sides in a pan preheated with oil.