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If your offspring suffers from gluten intolerance, this is also referred to as celiac disease in children. This is a disease in which the body's immune system reacts to gluten. The protein is found in grains such as wheat, barley and rye. If children with gluten intolerance consume products that contain gluten, this is manifested by various symptoms.
A grain allergy or intolerance to foods containing gluten can already be diagnosed as a baby - namely when it is given its first porridge that contains gluten. Your offspring will then react, for example, with vomiting or stomach pain . However, intolerance can only become apparent later, for example in kindergarten or school age.
The bigger your offspring is, the harder the associated change in diet will probably hit them. This suddenly makes social situations more difficult and your favorite meal may have to be canceled. So that your little darling doesn't eat foods containing gluten out of spite, you should take enough time to calmly discuss his intolerance with him.
You can make the transition easier for him by eating gluten-free and trying out new recipes together. Maybe you'll discover a new favorite dish together.
With this article we would like to help you and your offspring to better understand food intolerance . Below we will tell you more about the possible symptoms and give you an initial overview of what your little one is still allowed to eat and which foods are now taboo. We will also give you tips on how you as a family can deal with the new situation and how you can make the change in diet easier for your children.
Does your offspring complain about tiredness or unpleasant pressure in the upper abdomen? Then an intolerance to gluten may be behind it. The symptoms of food intolerance can be varied.
However, symptoms such as these often occur:
If you suspect that your offspring is suffering from gluten intolerance , you should definitely consult a doctor with them. Intolerance is difficult to diagnose because the symptoms could easily be confused with other medical conditions. A doctor can rule out other physical illnesses and use a glucose tolerance test to determine whether your suspicions are correct.
In this case, your offspring must follow a strict gluten-free diet from now on to avoid long-term health problems and ensure healthy development. Since the change can be difficult, it is advisable to seek nutritional advice together as a family. There you will receive comprehensive explanations of what you need to pay attention to from now on. You can also create a meal plan for the first time, which will make it easier to get used to it.
In the event of a sudden food intolerance, parents are initially unsure about what their offspring can now eat. It is therefore essential that you inform yourself well about which products contain gluten. This is not always obvious as an ingredient. Sometimes you only find out that a food contains gluten by looking at the ingredients list.
You should definitely avoid giving your little one wheat-based foods . Otherwise, symptoms similar to those of a wheat allergy will appear. Not only wheat flour is forbidden, but also everything made with it.
These include, for example:
Things made from yesterday's flour, rye flour and malt are also not allowed to be consumed.
Furthermore, many processed foods contain hidden gluten . You can only find out whether this applies to a product by reading the list of ingredients. Also pay attention to the fact that it may contain traces of gluten or wheat. This means that the food was processed in the same facility that produces products containing gluten. People with celiac disease should also avoid such products.
To enable your little one to eat pasta, bread and other delicious things, you can use special gluten-free products . These are marked accordingly. At Greenforce, for example, you will find gluten-free burgers and various sauces. These are also vegan, so no animals have to suffer for production. Our products enable you to quickly and easily prepare delicious meals that the whole family will enjoy.
In addition, you can conjure up delicious dishes from foods that are naturally gluten-free .
For example, use:
It is important that you first get an overview of which products are allowed and which of them your children like.
If a child has a food intolerance , it affects the entire family life. Parents are responsible for ensuring that their offspring does not consume foods that they cannot tolerate. This can cause stress and worry, especially if the child is too young to manage their diet independently.
There is also the question of the extent to which other family members adapt to gluten sensitivity or intolerance. Will everyone avoid gluten in the future or will we cook food specifically for the offspring affected? This decision is not easy. On the one hand, preparing the meals separately requires a lot of effort, and on the other hand, the other members of the family don't want to go without their usual food.
But even if it is difficult, it is best for the whole family to adapt to the new eating habits. An adolescent experiences it as a great injustice to suddenly not be able to eat many things. They may also be struggling with great sadness or suddenly become angry easily. Give him time to understand his food intolerance and help him accept it.
If the entire family eats differently, it will be much easier for your child to get used to the new situation. However, if everyone else continues to eat as usual, they will have more difficulty coping.
If the affected child has siblings, it is important to sensitize them too. You also need to understand that gluten can be hidden in some products and therefore they cannot easily share chips or other things as they endanger the health of their sister or brother.
A particularly difficult situation arises when a second child suffers from another food intolerance, for example an allergy to preservatives. In this case, it is best to always plan meals a week in advance to reduce stress in everyday life.
We have already mentioned that it puts a psychological strain on your offspring if they are forbidden from consuming certain foods from one day to the next. Consequently, the initial period after the intolerance becomes known is about the adolescent getting used to the situation. This requires patience and empathy on your part.
It is also important that you involve your little one in shopping and meal planning. In this way, he gradually learns what he can and cannot eat. Also check out special gluten-free products . Pasta, pizza, cookies and the like are now also available for allergy sufferers. These are more expensive than the usual products, but they help ensure that your little one doesn't have to go without everything.
If there is pasta for the whole family, you can use the gluten-free version just for your child to save some money. When preparing, you have to be careful to use different cookware. You should also refrain from quickly stirring both pots with the same wooden spoon.
If your little one is older and cooks their own food, you should make sure that they know exactly which products from the cupboard they can prepare for themselves. Ideally, you should set up a separate compartment that only contains food that is suitable for the affected child.
Also remember that food intolerance affects social activities . Discuss with your child how you will deal with situations in which he or she cannot eat the same foods as the other children. This applies, for example, to birthday parties, school trips or even lunch at school. If you invite friends or family, you must also agree whether gluten-free food will be available or whether you can bring your own food.
Over time we will develop better strategies to deal with gluten intolerance in children .