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These sweet rolled heart pizzas are perfect to give to your loved ones! And the best thing: Despite the short preparation time, the hearts have a big impact - so you're guaranteed to have enough time for togetherness!
40 minutes
2 servings
500 g pizza dough
1 can chopped tomatoes
125g Easy To Mix Hack
1 spring onion
200g vegan pizza cheese
Form hearts out of the pizza dough; this is best done by hand
Prepare mince according to instructions
Finely chop the spring onion
Mix tomatoes, minced meat, spring onions and cheese in a bowl and season with salt and pepper
Form hearts out of the pizza dough. This is best done by hand and add the filling on top
For the spiral hearts: Spread the filling on the dough, cut strips approx. 2 cm thick and 8 cm long and roll them up until approx. 3 cm are left; Place two rolls together and press the ends together firmly