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In Germany, around 11 million tons of food end up in the bin every year - that's an average of around 75 kilograms per person. That equates to around 1.3 tons per hour or 360 kilograms per second!
We don't want to waste our delicious products, we want to save them together.
The amount of food wasted worldwide is alarmingly high: around 51 tons of food are thrown away every second! 😱 This equates to around 1.6 billion tons per year, which is around a third of the food produced globally.
Private households: The largest proportion is produced in private households - around 60% of food waste! Most of it is fruit, vegetables and baked goods.Supermarkets & restaurants: Huge quantities are also produced here, often due to strict beauty standards (keyword “crooked cucumbers”) or overproduction.Agriculture: Many foods are sorted out before harvest or spoil on the way.
This corresponds to a huge consumption of resources: water, energy, arable land and labor are lost.At the same time, millions of people worldwide suffer from hunger. 😔
A large proportion of the food thrown away in Germany is fruit and vegetables. They are usually disposed of during production and there are standards for what fruit and vegetables should look like.
If these standards are not met, for example because they are too crooked or small, they are thrown away. They still taste really delicious and can be kept for AT LEAST as long as stated on the label. After the expiry date: rely on your senses and do the smell and taste test. Does it taste the same? Then it is still edible!