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If you suffer from symptoms such as stomach pain, bloating or a skin rash after consuming soy, you may have a soy intolerance. You should take these complaints seriously and get to the bottom of them so as not to endanger your health. The stronger your symptoms are, the faster you should act.
Many people are affected by food intolerances . This also includes lactose or gluten intolerance. Those affected are not allowed to consume certain products at all or only in small quantities. In general, it is possible that you will tolerate the food better again at some point. For this you have to go without it for a while. However, it is usually the case that it has to be avoided in general. If the symptoms are severe, even if they are only traces.
It is important that you develop a realistic understanding of what you can eat and which foods you should stay away from. Accept the situation and adjust your menu accordingly. This is the quickest way to get rid of your symptoms.
Since meat substitute products often have a soy base , changing your diet poses some challenges, especially for vegans. The additives in the products in the supermarket now have to be checked for soy ingredients when shopping. But little by little this works better and better.
In this article we will tell you why soy is so popular and how food intolerance can be diagnosed. We will also tell you what you shouldn't eat if you have a soy intolerance and which products you can avoid.
Anyone who lives a vegan lifestyle still doesn't want to go without products like milk, yoghurt or spaghetti Bolognese. That's why vegans resort to milk substitutes . One of these is soy - a legume that has been a popular food in Asia for thousands of years due to its protein and fiber. Especially since the last decade, many Germans have also been enjoying foods made from legumes.
A commonly purchased product made from soy is tofu. If you suffer from a soy allergy , you should not consume it either. The beans are often used to make gluten-free products. For people who have a grain allergy , this can be the solution to a big problem. Because if they tolerate the legume, it enriches their diet.
Although it is widely used in industry, processing into food only accounts for a small proportion of its use. The largest proportion of the soy harvest is added to concentrated feed for animal fattening. This proportion is so large that over 84,000 km² of cultivated area is required for European factory farming alone. Visually speaking, this is an area larger than Austria.
It is therefore not surprising that most of the soy processed in Europe comes from overseas. For this purpose, in Argentina and Brazil, for example, more and more forests are being converted into arable land. As a result, many animals lose their habitat. If the food were passed on directly to people instead of to animal fattening, only a small part of this huge cultivated area would be needed. In addition, part of the global food shortage in underdeveloped countries could be solved.
Soy is generally tolerated quite well . However, some people also develop an intolerance or allergy to the legume. In this case, it is important to know which foods you need to avoid.
The best way to find out whether you suffer from food intolerance is to follow a so-called elimination diet. You avoid the products that you probably cannot tolerate for six to eight weeks. Soy, for example, can cause flatulence if your body doesn't process it well.
However, since the symptoms do not necessarily appear immediately after consumption, a longer period of abstinence is necessary. It's even possible that you won't experience symptoms until days later. These can be minor, but they can also have a greater impact on your life.
If your symptoms disappear by eliminating the food , you probably cannot tolerate it. If you do without it permanently, your symptoms should not come back. Otherwise they may have had another trigger.
This strategy is not always successful, as cross-allergies can also be possible. It is also possible that you have an intolerance to various foods or that there are physical reasons behind it.
In this case, it is advisable to also consult a doctor. If necessary, they can carry out a special allergy or blood test . A provocation test is also possible. This is basically the opposite of the elimination diet, because you consume certain amounts of soy according to your doctor's instructions. The resulting symptoms are documented. Your doctor can then make a diagnosis.
You should never carry out a provocation test on your own. If you have an allergic reaction to a food, you are risking your health.
Most people are unaware of how many foods contain traces of soy . This is especially true of processed foods. Soy flour is often added to packaged bread in the supermarket.
To be on the safe side, you can't avoid taking a close look at the list of ingredients. This not only applies if you want to replace milk , but also for all products you buy. After a while you will know which foods you can buy with confidence, making shopping easier again.
Substances such as:
Things get more difficult with ingredients that have different names. For example, you also have to avoid:
The substance E322 (lecithin) or E426 (polyose from soybeans) is often added to meat substitute products and frying fat. The food only contains small amounts of these substances. If you react very sensitively, this can lead to problems.
If you go out to eat, it's best to choose dishes that usually don't contain soy . Opt for products made from rice or oats. You can also eat vegan dishes based on almonds or coconut. However, to be on the safe side, always have the detailed list of ingredients handed to you in the restaurant if you want to be on the safe side.
At home, it is advisable to do as much as possible yourself. Making your own plant milk is particularly easy. If you suffer from other allergies such as casein intolerance , it becomes even more important to cook and bake yourself .
A stressful everyday life is no excuse for this. Most dishes can be easily prepared and even frozen if necessary. This means you always have a delicious meal at hand that you just have to heat up. At Greenforce you will also find many delicious products without added soy that are easy to prepare.
If you eat soy products despite your allergy , it can lead to various symptoms.
These include, for example:
The severity of these signs depends on the severity of your allergy. Some people can tolerate small amounts of soy , but the body sends out alarm signals even if there are traces of it. So pay close attention to what you eat and how you react to it.
A food diary can help with this. This way you know exactly what you have eaten. Because the memory of our food usually fades quickly. Especially things that you eat quickly in between meals are easily forgotten.
If you find it difficult to eat a healthy and varied diet , you can consult a nutritionist. They know the most important nutrients and have experience with the problems surrounding food allergies such as soy intolerance .