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They are usually completely normal, but can be quite unpleasant: Constant bloating in women. When the air escapes from the body, it can happen quietly and secretly. But sometimes the people around us notice that our digestion is working at full speed.
You may now be asking yourself: Can I still do something about the frequent farting? In order to solve the problem, you should first know what is causing the flatulence . And once you figure that out, you can reduce the winds. We'll tell you how this can be achieved. Before you begin, you will learn how flatulence occurs and becomes noticeable.
There's a lot going on in your intestines: This is where different gases come together , including nitrogen, hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. These arise while intestinal bacteria break down the food we eat. In addition, there is the air that you breathe in while you eat or drink.
Some of the gases migrate through the intestinal mucosa into the blood. We simply breathe out any more air – or we have to burp. The rest, however, find their way out.
The flatulence can not only cause the typical fart. If there are a lot of winds wreaking havoc in your intestines, it can lead to a bloated stomach . Your stomach will then be curved forward and can be tense.
Even if you may be worried about your flatulence, it is human and part of the processes in our bodies. You don't have to be embarrassed if you fart. The air escapes between eight and twenty times a day - for example when you have just eaten or drunk something.
The gases do not necessarily have to smell. The fact that a fart is also noticeable in the nose is due to the composition of the gases - but above all to the hydrogen sulphide.
For this reason, sulphur-containing foods such as meat or cabbage promote the strong smell of the morning glory. Whether a fart also makes noise depends on the pressure with which it escapes.
If you notice that your flatulence is persistent, it may be due to stuck flatulence . A particularly large number of gases have accumulated here, which can lead to a number of symptoms.
Then you notice pain in the abdominal area or an unpleasant feeling of fullness. You may also be constipated and unable to go to the toilet for a while. Other signs can include loss of appetite as well as strong gastrointestinal noises and noticeable movements.
There may also be general malaise. You may feel weak and tired.
As you have already learned, flatulence is not something that should make you uncomfortable in front of others. They are a normal reaction to different digestive processes. However, if the flatulence occurs more frequently and more severely, this can have various causes. We would like to introduce some of them to you below.
You may notice that flatulence is more severe after eating certain foods. In fact, there are foods that cause bloating more often than others.
In the following overview you will find a selection of dishes that provide more wind:
Why do these foods cause wind? They contain certain fibers that your intestines cannot digest optimally. These then escape in a different way.
Some of us have food intolerances . If we eat foods that we shouldn't eat, this can result in flatulence. Lactose intolerance can be the cause of the many winds, as can gluten intolerance or fructose intolerance.
The reason for the resulting flatulence: Your body cannot process certain substances and so bacteria escape from the intestine in the form of gases. If you have gluten intolerance, the intestinal mucosa can be damaged and therefore not absorb all the ingredients.
Sometimes histamine intolerance can also be to blame for the wind - as can soy intolerance . If you use soy as a meat substitute, you may not be able to tolerate the vegan alternative . Then gastrointestinal problems become noticeable, which can cause nausea, diarrhea and abdominal pain as well as flatulence.
Tip: Don't you know yet whether you have a food intolerance? Then write down what you eat every day and how bad the bloating is afterwards. With these observations you can then go to a doctor.
By the way, a sudden food intolerance can also occur. Then you no longer tolerate foods well that you could previously eat without hesitation.
Increased, severe flatulence can be a sign of certain gastrointestinal problems .
These include, for example, the following:
In addition, other organs can also help more winds escape. Problems with the pancreas, liver or bile ducts can then be to blame.
But don't worry: it doesn't have to be the case that you have a specific illness. But do you notice severe flatulence over a longer period of time, which is often accompanied by abdominal pain and digestive problems? Then it's better to see a doctor. The professional will check whether you are completely healthy.
Interesting : Flatulence can have more than just physical causes. Under certain circumstances , your psyche can also influence your digestive processes . After all, this is closely related to your gastrointestinal tract.
A lot of stress, anxious situations or tension can trigger bloating . You may have already noticed that the work of your intestines changes when you are nervous.
Then you may have had to go to the toilet more often or have a stomach ache.
Of course, there are other factors that can influence flatulence. Nutrition plays an important role. Certain foods such as legumes, cabbage or carbonated drinks can increase bloating.
Eating foods rich in fiber can also lead to increased gas in the intestines for some people. It is important to pay attention to your body's reaction to different foods and adjust your diet if necessary.
In women there are other causes of flatulence. Then the hormones can have an influence on digestion. You may also have noticed that your winds appear a little more often when you are in a certain phase of your cycle.
Your digestive tract can become unbalanced, especially shortly before and during your period . Why is that? The hormones influence the work of your intestines. And: As your uterus contracts, it also affects the movement of the intestines and causes more flatulence.
Changing hormone levels also play a role during pregnancy . This is one of the reasons why women who have babies have to fart every now and then. The second reason is the growing uterus. The bigger the child gets, the more this presses against the intestines.
Your baby's movements can also affect bowel activity. Even if you are going through menopause, you may experience more gases than usual. So don't worry in this case.
By the way: Certain medications such as antibiotics can also increase flatulence in women . They fight the bacteria, but also get rid of some of them in the intestines. This creates gases that want to escape outside. You may have noticed this when you tried to get rid of your last bladder infection with the tablets.
Fortunately, flatulence usually goes away on its own after you stop taking the medication.
Can I do something against flatulence ? And what helps against the bloated stomach ? You can take various measures to stop letting the winds bother you. Try out which of our tips will help with your flatulence. But also remember that you can't completely eliminate flatulence.
Have you noticed that you have increased bloating after eating certain foods? Eat fewer of these foods or avoid them completely. A good idea is to eat as low in carbohydrates as possible. Instead, opt for boiled or steamed vegetables.
If soy causes digestive problems , you should avoid it and always take a look at the ingredients of the food. If you get bloating from protein, you should eliminate protein from your diet. In addition, certain spices such as caraway, coriander or ginger can have a positive influence on your digestive tract.
Also be careful not to eat too quickly or too much. It's better to eat smaller portions or eat several meals throughout the day. Take your time when chewing and don't rush. This way you can avoid swallowing too much air.
If stomach cramps bother you, a soothing tea - for example with peppermint, chamomile or fennel - can help you stimulate digestion. You can swap carbonated drinks for still versions. Classic mineral water is best.
Don't worry: The fact that you have to avoid certain foods doesn't mean that your diet will change completely. There are now great vegan alternatives for numerous ingredients. For example, you can rely on meat substitutes made from peas. You can discover this at GREENFORCE: Try vegan burgers or vegan mince.
At the same time, they are ideal for a gluten-free diet plan - perfect if you have gluten intolerance. If you don't like dairy products, you can also use plant-based alternatives. Then you drink an oat drink instead of cow's milk or have coconut yoghurt for breakfast.
Our tip : Change your diet step by step and see how the frequency of your flatulence changes. It may be enough to just eliminate one or two foods from your diet.
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A healthy lifestyle can help you reduce winds. This includes a lot of movement. It's best to take a few steps after eating. It is not for nothing that many people talk about the well-known digestive walks. The movement ensures that your gastrointestinal tract works faster by, among other things, providing better blood flow.
Additionally, avoid alcohol. This can lead to flatulence in some women as it can slow down the activity of the intestines. Smoking can also have an impact on digestion and lead to gastrointestinal problems. So it's better to leave the smoke behind in the future or reduce your number of cigarettes.
It is also advisable to go to the toilet regularly. Visit them as soon as you feel the urge to defecate and do not hold back. You may feel better if you schedule regular toilet times. Go to the toilet in the morning and evening before you go to bed.
If you want to stimulate the activity of your intestines, a little heat can help. Grab a hot water bottle, lie on the couch or in bed and relax. The warmth can relax your stomach and make stomach pain a thing of the past.
Positive side effect : Are you currently having abdominal problems since you got your period? The hot water bottle can help women relieve these symptoms. Also try massaging your stomach a little. This can stimulate blood flow to the gastrointestinal tract and avoid the formation of excess gases.
The cause of your flatulence may be psychological. In this case, it is a good idea to try to relax. For example, get into the habit of meditating regularly and not letting stress get to you too quickly.
Also use breathing exercises that can calm you down. Give yourself regular breaks and get up at least once an hour - even if you have a lot to do.
It is not always necessary to do something about the flatulence. However, if the wind bothers you, you can try our tips against constant flatulence in women. For example, try to exercise regularly. Relaxation exercises are also a good idea - especially if the flatulence has a psychological cause.
Above all, it can help to take a look at your diet . Avoid foods that are not good for you. You can replace these with vegan alternatives if you want. You may notice that the bloating decreases and after a while you will feel better again.